Browsing by Author Erdem, Tahir Kemal

Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2011Cement Based Strain Sensor: a Step To Smart ConcreteTeomete, Egemen; Erdem, Tahir Kemal 
2009Correlating Rheology of Self-Consolidating Concrete To Corresponding Concrete-Equivalent MortarErdem, Tahir Kemal ; Khayat, Kamal H.; Yahia, Ammar
2013Çimento esaslı sensör üretimiTeomete, Egemen; Erdem, Tahir Kemal 
Jul-2014Develepment of a New Test Method To Evaluate Dynamic Stability of Self-Consolidating ConcreteAlami, Mohammad Musa
2016Development of a New Test Method To Evaluate Dynamic Stability of Self-Consolidating ConcreteAlami, Mohammad Musa; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Khayat, Kamal H.
2018Development of a Proper Mix-Design for Impact Loading of Deflection Hardening Hybrid Fiber Reinforced ConcreteAlami, Muhammad Musa; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Yardımcı, Mert Yücel; Aydın, Serdar
May-2013Effect of Sustained Flexural Loading on Self-Healing of Engineered Cementitious CompositesÖzbay, Erdogan; Şahmaran, Mustafa; Yücel, Hasan Erhan; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Lachemi, Mohamed; Li, Victor C.
30-Jan-2015Effect of Various Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Rheological Properties of Self-Consolidating ConcreteSaleh Ahari, Reza; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Ramyar, Kambiz
2020Effects of Mixture Design Parameters on the Mechanical Behavior of High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced ConcretesErdem, Tahir Kemal ; Demirhan, Serhat; Yıldırım, Gürkan; Banyhussan, Qais S.; Şahin, Oğuzhan; Balav, Mohammad H.; Şahmaran, Mustafa
2012Effects of Thixotropy on Self Consolidating Concrete Surface PropertiesErsöz, Hasan Yavuz
Jul-2008Evaluation of Natural Zeolite as a Viscosity-Modifying Agent for Cement-Based GroutsŞahmaran, Mustafa; Özkan, Necati; Keskin, Süleyman Bahadır; Uzal, Burak; Yaman, İsmail Özgür; Erdem, Tahir Kemal 
Dec-2020Examination of Bonding Between Successive Lifts of Concretes Having Different Thixotropy Levels by Surface ScanningErsöz, Hasan Yavuz
2011Experimental and Modeling Study of Strength of High Strength Concrete Containing Binary and Ternary BindersErdem, Tahir Kemal ; Tayfur, Gökmen ; Kırca, Önder
2020Generalized Regression Neural Network and Empirical Models To Predict the Strength of Gypsum Pastes Containing Fly Ash and Blast Furnace SlagErdem, Tahir Kemal ; Cengiz, Okan; Tayfur, Gökmen 
May-2015High-Early Ductile Cementitious Composites With Characteristics of Low Early-Age Shrinkage for Repair of InfrastructuresŞahmaran, Mustafa; Al-Emam, Muhannad; Yıldırım, Gürkan; Şimşek, Yunus Emre; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Lachemi, Mohamed
Feb-2013Improving the Workability and Rheological Properties of Engineered Cementitious Composites Using Factorial Experimental DesignŞahmaran, Mustafa; Bilici, Zafer; Özbay, Erdoğan; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Yücel, Hasan Erhan; Lachemi, Mohamed
Jun-2018Influence of Thixotropy Determined by Different Test Methods on Formwork Pressure of Self-Consolidating ConcreteTuyan, Murat; Ahari, Reza Saleh; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Andiç Çakır, Özge; Ramyar, Kambiz
Jul-2023Material Model Calibration of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Deep Neural NetworkYaşayanlar, Yonca
Jun-2020Mechanical Behavior of Hybrid Fiber Reinforces Concrete Under Direct TensionÇetin, Fatma Şirin
2019A New Method To Quantify the Robustness of Self-Consolidating GroutsErdem, Tahir Kemal ; Bilgiç, Esra ; Kanpara Cıvaş, Züleyha