Showing results 1 to 20 of 29
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Mar-2011 | Cement Based Strain Sensor: a Step To Smart Concrete | Teomete, Egemen; Erdem, Tahir Kemal |
2009 | Correlating Rheology of Self-Consolidating Concrete To Corresponding Concrete-Equivalent Mortar | Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Khayat, Kamal H.; Yahia, Ammar |
2013 | Çimento esaslı sensör üretimi | Teomete, Egemen; Erdem, Tahir Kemal |
Jul-2014 | Develepment of a New Test Method To Evaluate Dynamic Stability of Self-Consolidating Concrete | Alami, Mohammad Musa |
2016 | Development of a New Test Method To Evaluate Dynamic Stability of Self-Consolidating Concrete | Alami, Mohammad Musa; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Khayat, Kamal H. |
2018 | Development of a Proper Mix-Design for Impact Loading of Deflection Hardening Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete | Alami, Muhammad Musa; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Yardımcı, Mert Yücel; Aydın, Serdar |
May-2013 | Effect of Sustained Flexural Loading on Self-Healing of Engineered Cementitious Composites | Özbay, Erdogan; Şahmaran, Mustafa; Yücel, Hasan Erhan; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Lachemi, Mohamed; Li, Victor C. |
30-Jan-2015 | Effect of Various Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Rheological Properties of Self-Consolidating Concrete | Saleh Ahari, Reza; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Ramyar, Kambiz |
2020 | Effects of Mixture Design Parameters on the Mechanical Behavior of High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concretes | Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Demirhan, Serhat; Yıldırım, Gürkan; Banyhussan, Qais S.; Şahin, Oğuzhan; Balav, Mohammad H.; Şahmaran, Mustafa |
2012 | Effects of Thixotropy on Self Consolidating Concrete Surface Properties | Ersöz, Hasan Yavuz |
Jul-2008 | Evaluation of Natural Zeolite as a Viscosity-Modifying Agent for Cement-Based Grouts | Şahmaran, Mustafa; Özkan, Necati; Keskin, Süleyman Bahadır; Uzal, Burak; Yaman, İsmail Özgür; Erdem, Tahir Kemal |
Dec-2020 | Examination of Bonding Between Successive Lifts of Concretes Having Different Thixotropy Levels by Surface Scanning | Ersöz, Hasan Yavuz |
2011 | Experimental and Modeling Study of Strength of High Strength Concrete Containing Binary and Ternary Binders | Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Tayfur, Gökmen ; Kırca, Önder |
2020 | Generalized Regression Neural Network and Empirical Models To Predict the Strength of Gypsum Pastes Containing Fly Ash and Blast Furnace Slag | Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Cengiz, Okan; Tayfur, Gökmen |
May-2015 | High-Early Ductile Cementitious Composites With Characteristics of Low Early-Age Shrinkage for Repair of Infrastructures | Şahmaran, Mustafa; Al-Emam, Muhannad; Yıldırım, Gürkan; Şimşek, Yunus Emre; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Lachemi, Mohamed |
Feb-2013 | Improving the Workability and Rheological Properties of Engineered Cementitious Composites Using Factorial Experimental Design | Şahmaran, Mustafa; Bilici, Zafer; Özbay, Erdoğan; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Yücel, Hasan Erhan; Lachemi, Mohamed |
Jun-2018 | Influence of Thixotropy Determined by Different Test Methods on Formwork Pressure of Self-Consolidating Concrete | Tuyan, Murat; Ahari, Reza Saleh; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Andiç Çakır, Özge; Ramyar, Kambiz |
Jul-2023 | Material Model Calibration of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Deep Neural Network | Yaşayanlar, Yonca |
Jun-2020 | Mechanical Behavior of Hybrid Fiber Reinforces Concrete Under Direct Tension | Çetin, Fatma Şirin |
2019 | A New Method To Quantify the Robustness of Self-Consolidating Grouts | Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Bilgiç, Esra ; Kanpara Cıvaş, Züleyha |