Browsing by Author İşbuğa, Volkan

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Modeling of Pile-Soil Interaction in Laterally Loaded Pile Groups Embedded in Linear Elastic Soil Layersİşbuğa, Volkan 
2023Modelling Vertically Loaded Pile Groups by Considering Pile-Soil InteractionsKamış, Ömer Faruk
Jun-2022The Modified Vlasov Model on a Nonhomogeneous and Nonlinear Soil Layerİşbuğa, Volkan ; Çerezci, Mehmet ; Aşık, M. Zülfü
May-2021Plate Loading Tests on Clay With Construction and Demolition MaterialsCabalar, Ali Fırat; Abdulnafaa, Mohammed Dafer; İşbuğa, Volkan 
2023Reply To the Discussion on “the Modified Vlasov Model on a Nonhomogeneous and Nonlinear Soil Layer”İşbuğa, Volkan ; Çerezci, Mehmet ; Aşık, A. Zülfü
2023Response of Vertically Loaded Energy Piles Under Earthquake Excitationİnayet, Mehmet Göktuğ