Browsing by Author Koltuksuz, Ahmet

Showing results 1 to 20 of 25  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005An Analysis of Key Generation Efficiency of Rsa Cryptosystem in Distributed EnvironmentsÇağrıcı, Gökhan
1999An Approch To the Security Problems in the Tcp/Ip Protocol Suite for a Network Security Monitor DesignMutaf, Pars
2007Basic Key Exchange Protocols for Secret Key Cryptosystems Under Crympix LibraryUslu, Sevgi
2007The Comparative Performance Analysis of Lattice Based Ntru Cryptosystem With Other Asymmetrical CryptosystemsMersin, Ali
2006Computational Cost Analysis of Elliptic Curve ArithmeticAtay, Serap ; Koltuksuz, Ahmet ; Hışıl, Hüseyin; Eren, Şaban
2005Crympix: Cryptographic Multiprecision LibraryKoltuksuz, Ahmet ; Hışıl, Hüseyin
2006Defining a Sample Template for Governmental Procurements of Cryptographic ProductsTaş, Levent
2009The Development of a Social Network Analysis Software ToolSoydan, Cansoy
2005A Distributed Multiprecision Cryptographic Library DesignHışıl, Hüseyin
2001A Firewall Design for Academic EnvironmentsTok, Metin
1999A Genetic Algorithmic Approach To the Differential and Linear CryptanalysisEminağaoğlu, Mete
2004An Implementation Model for Open Sources EvaluationTekir, Selma 
2006Intelligence analysis modelingKoltuksuz, Ahmet ; Tekir, Selma 
2001A Mathematical Modelling for Manpower PlanningUludağ, Mehmet
2012A Model of Distributed Key Generation for Industrial Control SystemsKılınç, Görkem; Fovino, Igor Nai; Ferigato, Carlo; Koltuksuz, Ahmet 
2010Modeling Efficient Multi-Chained Stream Signature Protocol Using Communicating Sequential ProcessesesKoltuksuz, Ahmet ; Özkan, Murat; Külahçıoğlu, Burcu
1998Modelling of Turkey Turkish Words by Discrete Markov ProcessesGüventürk, Jale
2005On Defining Security Metrics for Information SystemsKoltuksuz, Ahmet 
2000On Primality TestingTepeli, Murat
2008Quality Life Cycle of Object Oriented Software Development in Extreme ProgrammingMutlu, Gökçe