Showing results 1 to 20 of 25
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2005 | An Analysis of Key Generation Efficiency of Rsa Cryptosystem in Distributed Environments | Çağrıcı, Gökhan |
1999 | An Approch To the Security Problems in the Tcp/Ip Protocol Suite for a Network Security Monitor Design | Mutaf, Pars |
2007 | Basic Key Exchange Protocols for Secret Key Cryptosystems Under Crympix Library | Uslu, Sevgi |
2007 | The Comparative Performance Analysis of Lattice Based Ntru Cryptosystem With Other Asymmetrical Cryptosystems | Mersin, Ali |
2006 | Computational Cost Analysis of Elliptic Curve Arithmetic | Atay, Serap ; Koltuksuz, Ahmet ; Hışıl, Hüseyin; Eren, Şaban |
2005 | Crympix: Cryptographic Multiprecision Library | Koltuksuz, Ahmet ; Hışıl, Hüseyin |
2006 | Defining a Sample Template for Governmental Procurements of Cryptographic Products | Taş, Levent |
2009 | The Development of a Social Network Analysis Software Tool | Soydan, Cansoy |
2005 | A Distributed Multiprecision Cryptographic Library Design | Hışıl, Hüseyin |
2001 | A Firewall Design for Academic Environments | Tok, Metin |
1999 | A Genetic Algorithmic Approach To the Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis | Eminağaoğlu, Mete |
2004 | An Implementation Model for Open Sources Evaluation | Tekir, Selma |
2006 | Intelligence analysis modeling | Koltuksuz, Ahmet ; Tekir, Selma |
2001 | A Mathematical Modelling for Manpower Planning | Uludağ, Mehmet |
2012 | A Model of Distributed Key Generation for Industrial Control Systems | Kılınç, Görkem; Fovino, Igor Nai; Ferigato, Carlo; Koltuksuz, Ahmet |
2010 | Modeling Efficient Multi-Chained Stream Signature Protocol Using Communicating Sequential Processeses | Koltuksuz, Ahmet ; Özkan, Murat; Külahçıoğlu, Burcu |
1998 | Modelling of Turkey Turkish Words by Discrete Markov Processes | Güventürk, Jale |
2005 | On Defining Security Metrics for Information Systems | Koltuksuz, Ahmet |
2000 | On Primality Testing | Tepeli, Murat |
2008 | Quality Life Cycle of Object Oriented Software Development in Extreme Programming | Mutlu, Gökçe |