Showing results 1 to 20 of 44
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Aug-2006 | Alkaline Protease Production From Alkalophilic Bacillus Sp. Isolated From Natural Habitats | Gençkal, Hande; Tarı, Canan |
2011 | Aspartic Proteinases From Mucor Spp. in Cheese Manufacturing | Yeğin, Sırma; Fernandez-Lahore, Marcelo; Jose Gama Salgado, Antonio; Güvenç, Ulgar; Göksungur, Yekta; Tarı, Canan |
2011 | Aspergillus sojae tarafından poligalakturonaz (PG) enzimin üretimi ve pürifikasyonu: Morfoloji ve sıvı reolojisinin toplam sistem verimliliği üzerine olan etkilerinin endüstriyel uygulamalara yakın ölçeklerde deneysel ve teorik yaklaşımla incelenmesi | Tarı, Canan ; Ünlütürk, Sevcan |
2017 | Aspergillus Sojae Tarafından Üretilen Poligalakturonazın Kısmi Saflaştırılması için Kromatografik Bir Yaklaşım | Şen, İlknur ; Mata-Gomez, Marco A.; Palomares, Marco Rito; Tarı, Canan ; Dinç, Melike |
15-Dec-2008 | Biochemical and Thermal Characterization of Crude Exo-Polygalacturonase Produced by Aspergillus Sojae | Tarı, Canan ; Doğan, Nergiz; Göğüş, Nihan |
Apr-2010 | Biochemical and Thermal Properties of Ss-Galactosidase Enzymes Produced by Artisanal Yoghurt Cultures | Üstok, Fatma Işık; Tarı, Canan ; Harsa, Şebnem |
Jan-2016 | Bioconversion of Wheat Bran for Polygalacturonase Production by Aspergillus Sojae in Tray Type Solid-State Fermentation | Demir, Hande; Tarı, Canan |
2012 | Bioethanol Production From Low Cost Agro-Industrial Waste Products | Evcan, Ezgi ; Tarı, Canan ; Özen, Banu |
Apr-2008 | Characterization of Three-Phase Partitioned Exo-Polygalacturonase From Aspergillus Sojae With Unique Properties | Doğan, Nergiz; Tarı, Canan |
Feb-2008 | Colloid Deposition Experiments as a Diagnostic Tool for Biomass Attachment Onto Bioproduct Adsorbent Surfaces | Tarı, Canan ; Vennapusa, Rami Reddy; Cabrera, Rosa B.; Fernandez-Lahore, Marcelo |
Feb-2017 | Control of Agitation Rate and Aeration for Enhanced Polygalacturonase Production in Submerged Fermentation by Aspergillus Sojae Using Agro-Industrial Wastes | Fratebianchi, Dante; Crespo, Juan Manuel; Tarı, Canan ; Cavalitto, Sebastian |
Jul-2013 | Dilute-Acid Hydrolysis of Apple, Orange, Apricot and Peach Pomaces as Potential Candidates for Bioethanol Production | Üçüncü, Can; Tarı, Canan ; Demir, Hande; Büyükkileci, Ali Oğuz ; Özen, Banu |
15-Aug-2016 | Effect of Physicochemical Parameters on the Polygalacturonase of an Aspergillus Sojae Mutant Using Wheat Bran, an Agro-Industrial Waste, Via Solid-State Fermentation | Demir, Hande; Tarı, Canan |
2022 | Effect of Process Parameters and Microparticle Addition on Polygalacturonase Activity and Fungal Morphology of Aspergillus Sojae | Germeç, Mustafa; Karahalil, Ercan; Yatmaz, Ercan; Tarı, Canan |
2019 | Effect of Substrate Concentration and Scale Up on the Polygalacturonase Production | Göğüş, Nihan; Tarı, Canan |
2007 | Effect of Symbiotic Relationship of Lactobacillus Butgaricus 77 and Streptococcus Thermophilus 9512 on Betagalactosidase and Lactic Acid Production | Üstok, Fatma Işık; Tari, Canan ; Harsa, Şebnem |
Jul-2007 | Effect of Various Process Parameters on Morphology, Rheology, and Polygalacturonase Production by Aspergillus Sojae in a Batch Bioreactor | Öncü, Şelale; Tarı, Canan ; Ünlütürk, Sevcan |
Aug-2011 | Enhanced Production of Exo-Polygalacturonase From Agro-Based Products by Aspergillus Sojae | Büyükkileci, Ali Oğuz ; Tarı, Canan ; Fernandez-Lahore, Marcello |
Oct-2015 | Evaluation of Agro-Industrial Wastes, Their State, and Mixing Ratio for Maximum Polygalacturonase and Biomass Production in Submerged Fermentation | Göğüş, Nihan; Evcan, Ezgi ; Tarı, Canan ; Cavalitto, Sebastian F. |
2014 | Evaluation of Orange Peel, an Industrial Waste, for the Production of Aspergillus Sojae Polygalacturonase Considering Both Morphology and Rheology Effects | Gögüş, Nihan; Hakgüder Taze, Bengi ; Demir, Hande; Tarı, Canan ; Ünlütürk, Sevcan ; Lahore, Marcelo Fernandez |