Browsing by Author Arkış, Esen

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Aluminium-Coated Polymer Films as Infrared Light Shields for Food PackingArkış, Esen ; Balköse, Devrim 
2015Characterization of a Pearlescent Biaxially Oriented Multilayer Polypropylene FilmArkış, Esen ; Çetinkaya, Hayrullah; Kurtuluş, Işıl; Ulucan, Utku; Aytaç, Arda; Balcı, Beste; Balköse, Devrim 
May-2011Morphology, Order, Light Transmittance, and Water Vapor Permeability of Aluminum-Coated Polypropylene Zeolite Composite FilmsBalköse, Devrim ; Oğuz, Kaan; Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Tarı, Süleyman ; Arkış, Esen ; Özmıhçı Ömürlü, Filiz 
Sep-2008Organotin Compounds as Pvc StabilizersArkış, Esen 
2003A Study of Chemical and Physical Changes During Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Film ProductionÜlkü, Semra ; Balköse, Devrim ; Arkış, Esen ; Sipahioğlu, Muzaffer 
Sep-2005Synergistic Effect of Natural Zeolites on Flame Retardant AdditivesDemir, Hasan ; Arkış, Esen ; Balköse, Devrim ; Ülkü, Semra 
Apr-2005Thermal Stabilisation of Poly(vinyl Chloride) by Organotin CompoundsArkış, Esen ; Balköse, Devrim 
Mar-2002Tin Soaps in Emulsion Pvc Heat StabilizationArkış, Esen ; Balköse, Devrim