Browsing by Author Gökelma, Mertol

Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Assessment of Melt Cleanliness of Secondary 5000 Aluminum Alloy Via Non-Metallic Inclusions CharacterizationLi, Cong; Dang, Thien; Huang, Jinxian; Huang, Chunfa; Li, Jianguo; Friedrich, Bernd; Gökelma, Mertol 
2023Assessment of Separation and Agglomerationt Tendency of Non-Metallic Inclusions in an Electromagnetically Stirred Aluminum MeltLi, Cong; Dang, Thien; Gökelma, Mertol ; Zimmermann, Sebastian; Mitterecker, Jonas; Friedrich, Bernd
2021Behavior of Al4c3 Particles During Flotation and Sedimentation in Aluminum MeltsGökelma, Mertol ; Storm Aarnaes, Trygve; Maier, Juergen; Renkel, Maria F.; Ekstrom, Kai Erik; Friedrich, Bernd; Tranell, Gabriella
Jun-2022Characteristic Properties and Recyclability of Aluminium Beverage Cans and Coffee CapsulesÖnen, Rabia
2021Characteristic Properties and Recyclability of the Aluminium Fraction of Mswi Bottom AshGökelma, Mertol ; Vallejo-Olivares, Alicia; Tranell, Gabriella
Jul-2023Characterization and Recyclability of Pharmaceutical BlistersÇapkın, İrem Yaren
2023Characterization and Separation Behavior of Multi-Layers in Aluminum-Rich Waste Pharmaceutical BlistersÇapkın, İrem Yaren; Gökelma, Mertol 
2024Effect of Caf2 Additions on the Yield of Az63 Magnesium Chips During RemeltingYörük, Pınar; Gökelma, Mertol 
2023Effect of Compaction and Fluoride Content on the Remelting Efficiency of Pure Magnesium ChipsYörük, Pınar; Gökelma, Mertol ; Derin, Bora
2024Effect of Mechanical Pre-Treatment on the Recovery Potential of Rare-Earth Elements and Gold From Discarded Hard Disc DrivesHabibzadeh, Alireza; Kucuker, Mehmet Ali ; Gokelma, Mertol 
2024Effect of Mechanical Pre-Treatment on the Recovery Potential of Rare-Earth Elements and Gold From Discarded Hard Disc Drives (nov, 10.1007/S10163-024-02108-0, 2024)Habibzadeh, Alireza; Kucuker, Mehmet Ali ; Gokelma, Mertol 
2024Effect of Mn Concentration on Mechanical Properties of A356 Aluminum Alloy Wheels Produced by Low-Pressure Die CastingKaya, A. Yigit; Davut, Kemal ; Gokelma, Mertol 
2024Effects of Size and Mechanical Pre-Treatment on Aluminium Recovery From Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom AshGokelma, Mertol ; Hatipoglu, Utku; Vallejo-Olivares, Alicia; Tuzgel, Rabia onen; Kivrak, Olcay; Bazoglu, Elif; Tranell, Gabriella
2021The Influence of the Casting Speed in Horizontal Continuous Casting of Aluminium Alloy En Aw 6082Obalı, Akın; Dilek, Kerem Ahmet; Akdi, Seracettin; Ürk, Deniz Kavrar; Gökelma, Mertol 
2022Investigating Triple Superphosphate for Lead Removal From Aqueous SolutionsSouley Garba, Mahamane Chapiou; Kaya, Erol; Gökelma, Mertol ; Seyrankaya, Abdullah
2023An Investigation on Inclusions Forming During Remelting of Aluminum and Magnesium Scraps Under a Salt FluxÇapkın, İrem Yaren; Gökelma, Mertol 
2024Mangan Konsantrasyonunun Alçak Basınçlı Döküm Yöntemiyle Üretilmiş A356 Aluminyum Alaşımlı Jantlarda Mekanik Özelliklere EtkisiKaya, Ahmet Yiğit
2024Microstructural Investigation of Discarded Ndfeb Magnets After Low-Temperature HydrogenationHabibzadeh, Alireza; Kucuker, Mehmet Ali ; Cakir, Oznur; Gokelma, Mertol 
2022Pre-Study of the Dissolution Behavior of Silicon Kerf Residue in SteelLazou, Adamantia; Nilssen, David; Gökelma, Mertol ; Wallin, Maria; Tranell, Gabriella
Jul-2023Remelting Behaviour of Pure and Az63 Magnesium ChipsYörük, Pınar