Showing results 1 to 20 of 74
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | Active Packaging Films as a Carrier of Black Cumin Essential Oil: Development and Effect on Quality and Shelf-Life of Chicken Breast Meat | Konuk Takma, Dilara; Korel, Figen |
Jun-2011 | Active Packaging of Ground Beef Patties by Edible Zein Films Incorporated With Partially Purified Lysozyme and Na 2edta | Uysal Ünalan, İlke; Korel, Figen ; Yemencioğlu, Ahmet |
Mar-2009 | Antimicrobial Activity of Lactoperoxidase System Incorporated Into Cross-Linked Alginate Films | Yener, Fatih Yalçın Güneş; Korel, Figen ; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet |
2010 | Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Olive Leafextract and Its Food Applications | Aytul, Kerem Kaan |
2007 | Antimicrobial Effects in Food and Prevention of Contamination in Food Industry | Hütt, Pirje; Songisepp, Epp; Güldaş, Metin; Tamme, Terje; Ormancı, Fatma Seda; Ayaz, Naim Deniz; Korel, Figen ; Aarnisalo, Kaarina; Hradecka, Helena; Mikelsaar, Marika |
2011 | Antimicrobial Potential of Polylysine in Edible Films | Uysal Ünalan, İlke; Arserim Uçar, Dılhun Keriman; Arcan, İskender; Korel, Figen ; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet |
2009 | Antimicrobial Properties of Silk Fibroin-Carrageenan Films Incorporating Grape Seed Extract | Arserim Uçar, Dilhun Keriman |
Oct-2013 | Application of Active Zein-Based Films With Controlled Release Properties To Control Listeria Monocytogenes Growth and Lipid Oxidation in Fresh Kashar Cheese | Uysal Ünalan, İlke; Arcan, İskender; Korel, Figen ; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet |
2023 | Bacillus Cereus: a Review of “fried Rice Syndrome” Causative Agents | Leong, Sui Sien; King, Jie Hung; Korel, Figen |
2011 | Biyoaktif maddelerin kontrollu salımı için kompozit veya karışımlardan oluşan aktif yenilebilir gıda ambalaj malzemeleri geliştirilmesi | Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet ; Atabay, Halil İbrahim ; Uysal, İlke; Aydemir, Levent Yurdaer; Arcan, İskender; Korel, Figen ; Boyacı, Derya |
2023 | Characterization and Encapsulation Efficiency of Zein Nanoparticles Loaded With Chestnut Fruit Shell, Cedar and Sweetgum Bark Extracts | Konuk Takma, Dilara; Bozkurt, Semra; Koç, Mehmet; Korel, Figen ; Şahin Nadeem, Hilal |
2021 | Characterization of Bacterial Cellulose Nanocrystals: Effect of Acid Treatments and Neutralization | Arserim-Uçar, Dilhun Keriman; Korel, Figen ; Liu, LinShu; Yam, Kit L |
Oct-2014 | Characterization of Silk Fibroin Based Films Loaded With Rutin-Ss Inclusion Complexes | Şamlı, Merve; Bayraktar, Oğuz ; Korel, Figen |
May-2019 | Chemometric Analysis of Chemo-Optical Data for the Assessment of Olive Oil Blended With Hazelnut Oil | Kadiroğlu, Pınar; Korel, Figen ; Pardo, Matteo |
Sep-2015 | Chemometric Studies on Znose™ and Machine Vision Technologies for Discrimination of Commercial Extra Virgin Olive Oils | Kadiroğlu, Pınar; Korel, Figen |
May-2011 | Classification of Turkish Extra Virgin Olive Oils by a Saw Detector Electronic Nose | Kadiroğlu, Pınar; Korel, Figen ; Tokatlı, Figen |
2008 | Classification of Virgin Olive Oils From Different Olive Varieties and Geographical Regions by Electronic Nose and Detection of Adulteration | Kadiroğlu, Pınar |
Sep-2006 | Composition, Color and Mechanical Characteristics of Pretreated Candied Chestnuts | Korel, Figen ; Balaban, Murat Ömer |
Oct-2018 | Control of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Fermented Beverages Using Lysozyme and Nisin: Test of Traditional Beverage Boza as a Model Food System | Sözbilen, Gözde Seval; Korel, Figen ; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet |
Dec-2013 | Detection of Staphylococcus Aureus Using Quqntitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction and Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Methods in Turkish White Cheese | Kadiroğlu, Pınar |