Browsing by Author Özkan, Seher Fehime

Showing results 21 to 34 of 34 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2004Isomerization of ?-Pinene Over Calcined Natural ZeolitesAkpolat, Oğuz; Gündüz, Gönül; Özkan, Fehime ; Beşün, Nurgün
Mar-2003Isomerization of ?-Pinene Over Ion-Exchanged Natural ZeolitesÖzkan, Fehime ; Gündüz, Gönül; Akpolat, Oğuz; Beşün, Nurgün; Murzin, Dmitry Yu.
2009Kinetics of Proton Transfer in the Zeolitic TuffÇakıcıoğlu Özkan, Seher Fehime ; Polatoğlu, İlker
2015Metal organik ağ yapılarının (MOF) sentezlenmesi ve metan reformer çıkış gazının saflaştırılması için kullanılmasıÇakıcıoğlu Özkan, Seher Fehime ; Helvacı, Şerife Şeref; Yener, Huriye Banu
2022Photocatalytic Degradation of Aquatic Organic Pollutants With Zn- and Zr-Based Metalorganic Frameworks: Zif-8 and Uio-66Çalık, Fatma Defne; Erdoğan, Bilgesu; Yılmaz, Esra; Saygı, Gizem; Çakıcıoğlu-Özkan, Fehime 
2015Preparation and Characterization of Tyrosinase Immobilized Gelatin FilmsTetik, İlkin
Aug-2014Preparation of Natural Zeolite Supported Tio2 Composites for Removal of Terephthalic AcidDeliismail, Özgün
2012Preparation of Tyrosinase Immobilized Chitosan and Gelatin Films for Detection of Parathion-MethylPolatoğlu, İlker
Jun-2023Removal of Dyes and Antibiotics by Adsorption and Photocatalytic Degradation Using Zn-Based CompositesSaygı, Gizem
2011Sorption of N2, Co2 and Ch4 on the Ultrasound Enhanced Cation Exchanged X ZeolitesErten Kaya, Yasemin
Jan-1998A Study of Adsorption of Water Vapour on Wool Under Static and Dynamic ConditionsÜlkü, Semra ; Balköse, Devrim ; Çağa, Tayfun; Özkan, Fehime ; Ulutan, Sevgi
2014Synthesis of Copper Based Metal Organic Framework for Separation of Co2/H2 at High PressureÇiçek, Ahmet Uğur
Jul-2019Synthesis of Ni and Zn Based Organic Frameworks as PhotocatalystDikmen, Merve
2003Water Vapour Adsorption on Organic and Inorganic PolymersBalköse, Devrim ; Özkan, Fehime ; Ulutan, Sevgi; Ülkü, Semra