Browsing by Author Güden, Mustafa

Showing results 61 to 80 of 142 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Foaming Binary Solution Mixtures of Low Molecular Surfactant and PolyelectrolyteAidarova, S. B.; Musabekov, K. B.; Ospanova, Z. B.; Güden, Mustafa 
1998High Strain Rate Behavior of a Sic Particulate Reinforced Al2o3 Ceramic Matrix CompositeHall, Ian W.; Güden, Mustafa 
2000High Strain Rate Deformation Behavior of a Continuous Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix CompositeGüden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
Jul-1998High Strain Rate Properties of an Sicw/2124-t6 Aluminum Composite at Elevated TemperaturesGüden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
2007High Strain Rate Reloading Compresson Testing of a Closed-Cell Alumnum FoamTaşdemirci, Alper ; Güden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
May-2001High Strain Rate Testing of a Unidirectionally Reinforced Graphite Epoxy CompositeHall, Ian W.; Güden, Mustafa 
1997High Strain-Rate Compression Testing of a Short-Fiber Reinforced Aluminum CompositeGüden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
2023High Strain-Rate Deformation Analysis of Open-Cell Aluminium FoamMauko, Anja; Duarte, Isabel; Borovinšek, Matej; Vesenjak, Matej; Ren, Zoran; Sarıkaya, Mustafa; Güden, Mustafa 
2019Impact Loading and Modelling a Multilayer Aluminium Corrugated/Fin Core: the Effect of the Insertion of Imperfect Fin LayersSarıkaya, Mustafa; Taşdemirci, Alper ; Güden, Mustafa 
6-Apr-2022Impact Loading of Functionally Graded Metal Syntactic FoamsMovahedi, Nima; Fiedler, Thomas; Taşdemirci, Alper ; Murch, Graeme E.; Belova, Irina V.; Güden, Mustafa 
2023The Impact Response of a Nomex® Honeycomb Core/E-glass Composite Sandwich Structure To Increasing Velocities: Experimental and Numerical AnalysisÇelik, Muhammet; Güden, Mustafa ; Sarıkaya, Mustafa; Taşdemirci, Alper ; Genç, Cem; Ersoy, Kurtuluş; Serin, Özgür
2013The Impact Responses and the Finite Element Modeling of Layered Trapezoidal Corrugated Aluminum Core and Aluminum Sheet Interlayer Sandwich StructuresKılıçaslan, Cenk; Güden, Mustafa ; Odacı, İsmet Kutlay ; Taşdemirci, Alper 
2002Improving the Energy Absorption of Closed Cell Aluminum FoamsGreene, S. A.; Hall, Ian W.; Güden, Mustafa 
May-2017The Increased Compression Strength of an Epoxy Resin With the Addition of Heat-Treated Natural Nano-Structured Diatom FrustulesZeren, Doğuş; Güden, Mustafa 
2023Investigation and Validation of the Flow Stress Equation and Damage Model Parameters of an Electron Beam Melted Ti6al4v Alloy With a Martensitic PhaseGüden, Mustafa ; Bin Riaz, Arslan; Toksoy, Ahmet Kaan; Yıldıztekin, Murat; Erten, Hacer İrem; Çimen, Gülden; Hızlı, Burak 
Jan-2023Investigation of Penetration Behavior of Combined Geometry Shells at Quasi-Static and Intermediate Strain Rates: an Experimental and Numerical StudyTuran, Ali Kıvanç; Taşdemirci, Alper ; Kara, Ali ; Şahin, Selim; Güden, Mustafa 
20-Feb-2013An Iterative Numerical Method for Determination of Temperature-Dependent Friction Coefficients in Thermomechanical Model Analysis of Cold Bolt Forgingİnce, Umut; Güden, Mustafa 
2004Izmir-balçova Jeotermal Doğrudan Isıtma Sisteminde Kullanılan St-37 Karbon Çelik Malzemesinin Değişik Akışkan Hızlarındaki Korozyon Davranışı ve Mekanik Özelliklerindeki Değişimlerİnce, Umut; Toksoy, Macit ; Güden, Mustafa 
1999Kapalı Hücreli Alüminyum Köpük Metallerin Üretim Metodları ve Mekanik ÖzellikleriElbir, Semih; Yılmaz, Selahattin ; Güden, Mustafa 
Feb-2012Karmaşık ve İçi Boş Parçaların Çapraz Kama Haddeleme İşlemi: Sonlu Elemanlar Simülasyonları ile Kalıp TasarımıKılıçaslan, Cenk; Odacı, İsmet Kutlay ; Çakırcalı, Metin; Güden, Mustafa