Showing results 1 to 20 of 33
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Dec-2018 | Batio3 Based Ferroelectric Materials for Electrocaloric Cooling Applications | Şanlı, Keriman |
Jul-2021 | Comparison of Powder Synthesis Methods for the Production of Potassium Sodium Niobate (knn) | Pişkin, Cerem |
2020 | Data-Driven Computational Prediction and Experimental Realization of Exotic Perovskite-Related Polar Magnets | Han, Yifeng; Wu, Meixia; Gui, Churen; Zhu, Chuanhui; Sun, Zhongxiong; Zhao, Mei-Huan; Adem, Umut ; Li, Man-Rong |
Dec-2018 | Determination of the Electrocalorinc Properties of the Ferroelectric (1-x)batio3-bi(li1/3ti2 (0?x?0.2) System | Demirtay, Tuğçe |
Feb-2023 | Development of Textured Lead-Free Nbt-Based Piezoelectric Materials in a Matrix, Synthesized by an Alternative Route, Via Templated Grain Growth | Çoban Tetik, Hatice Şule; Suvacı, Ender; Avcı, A. Murat; Adem, Umut ; Karakaya, Merve |
2023 | Effects of Different Precursors on the Aging and Electrocaloric Properties of Mn-Doped Ba0.95sr0.05tio3 Ceramics | Karakaya, Merve ; Erdem, Emre; Akdoğan, Yaşar ; Adem, Umut |
2020 | Electrical Characteristics of Low Temperature Densified Barium Titanate | Karacasulu, Levent ; Tokkan, Melike; Bortolotti, Mauro; Ischia, Gloria; Adem, Umut ; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf |
2024 | Electrocaloric Behaviour of Tape Cast and Grain Oriented Nbt-Kbt Ceramics | Unal, Muhammet Ali; Karakaya, Merve ; Irmak, Tugce; Yildirim-Ozarslan, Gokce; Avci, A. Murat; Fulanovic, Lovro; Adem, Umut |
Jul-2020 | Electrocaloric Effect of Alkali Co-Substituted Sr0.6ba0.4nb2o6 Ceramics | Kurnia, Arif; Emriadi; Mufti, Nandang; Zulhadjri; Adem, Umut |
Feb-2020 | Electrocaloric Properties of Ba0. 8sr0. 2ti1-Xzrxo3 (0? X? 0.1) System: the Balance Between the Nature of the Phase Transition and Phase Coexistence | Şanlı, Keriman; Adem, Umut |
2023 | Electrocaloric Properties of the Zr-Substituted Batio3 – Na0.5bi0.5tio3 Ceramics | Akkaşoğlu, Oğuz |
2023 | Enhanced Electrocaloric Effect of P(vdf-Trfe) Nanocomposites With Ca and Sn Co-Doped Batio3 Particles | Tokkan, Melike; Demir, Mustafa M. ; Adem, Umut |
2021 | Enhanced Room Temperature Energy Storage Density of Bi(li1/3ti2 Substituted Bi0.5na0.5tio3-Batio3 Ceramics | Karakaya, Merve ; Adem, Umut |
Jul-2020 | Experimental Analysis of Inkjet Printed Multi Metal Oxide Photoelectrodes for Water Splitting Applications | Tekneci, Gülsüm Efsun |
Jul-2020 | Ferroelectric Ceramic Polymer Nanocomposites for Electrocaloric Cooling Applications | Tokkan, Melike |
2020 | Ferroelectricity of Ca9fe(po4)7 and Ca9mn(po4)7 Ceramics With Polar Whitlockite-Type Crystal Structure | Adem, Umut |
2018 | Ferroelektrik (1-x)BaTiO3-xBi(Li1/3Ti2/3)O3(0≤x≤0.2) sisteminin elektrokalorik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi | Adem, Umut ; Çağın, Tahir |
Jul-2021 | Formation of Srtio3[tio2] Ceramic Composites at Low Temperatures | Karataş, Esin |
2019 | Influence of Aging on Electrocaloric Effect in Li+ Doped Batio3 Ceramics | Güvenç, Çetin Meriç; Adem, Umut |
Dec-2022 | Lead-Free Ferroelectric Ceramics for Energy Storage and Electrocaloric Cooling Applications | Karakaya, Merve |