Browsing by Author Akdeniz, Yelda

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1999Cation Exchange in Zeolites Structure Modification by Using a MicrowaveAkdeniz, Yelda
2009The Effect of Microwaves on Ion Exchange in ZeolitesAkdeniz, Yelda
2012Investigation of Ha Cement Preparation and Properties by Using Central Composite DesignÇetin, Ali Emrah; Şimşek, Deniz ; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin ; Akdeniz, Yelda; Özmıhçı, Filiz ; Aykut Yetkiner, Arzu
Mar-2007Microwave Effect on Ion-Exchange and Structure of ClinoptiloliteAkdeniz, Yelda; Ülkü, Semra 
Jul-2007Thermal Behaviour of a Zeolitic TuffÇağlar Duvarcı, Özlem ; Akdeniz, Yelda; Özmıhçı Ömürlü, Filiz ; Ülkü, Semra ; Balköse, Devrim ; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin 
Dec-2008Thermal Stability of Ag-Exchanged Clinoptilolite Rich MineralAkdeniz, Yelda; Ülkü, Semra