Browsing by Author Alves, Alexandra C.

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Advancing Titanium-Based Surfaces Via Micro-Arc Oxidation With Solid Substance Incorporation: a Systematic ReviewOgur, Ezgi; Alves, Alexandra C.; Toptan, Fatih 
2023Atomic–scale Investigations of Passive Film Formation on Ti-Nb AlloysÇaha, İhsan; Alves, Alexandra C.; Chirico, Caterina; Maria Pinto, Ana; Tsipas, Sophia; Gordo, Elena; Bondarchuk, Oleksandr; Leonard Deepak, Francis; Toptan, Fatih 
2023Crystallization and Additional Oxide Interlayers Improve the Tribocorrosion Resistance of Tio2 Nanotubular Surfaces Formed on Ti6al4vÇaha, İhsan; Türü, İrem Cemre; Erdoğan, Ece; Pinto, Ana Maria Pires; Cansever, Nurhan; Deepak, Francis Leonard; Toptan, Fatih ; Alves, Alexandra C.
2024Impact of Simulated Inflammation and Food Breakdown on the Synergistic Interaction Between Corrosion and Wear on TitaniumLima, Ana R.; Pinto, Ana M.P.; Toptan, Fatih ; Alves, Alexandra C.
2021Improved Tribocorrosion Behavior on Bio-Functionalized Β-Type Titanium Alloy by the Pillar Effect Given by Tin ReinforcementsÇaha, İhsan; Alves, Alexandra C.; Chirico, Caterina; Pinto, Ana Maria; Tsipas, Sophia; Gordo, Elena; Toptan, Fatih 
2022Influence of Processing Method of Cocrmo Dental Alloy on the Corrosion Behavior in Artificial SalivaPontes, Joana R.; Pinto, Ana M. P.; Ariza, Edith; Alves, Alexandra C.; Toptan, Fatih 
2024Micro-Arc and Thermal Oxidized Titanium Matrix Composites for Tribocorrosion-Resistant Biomedical ImplantsSousa, Luis; Costa, Natalia A.; Rossi, Andre; Simoes, Sonia; Toptan, Fatih ; Alves, Alexandra C.
Mar-2022Preliminary Tribo-Electrochemical and Biological Responses of the Ti-Tib In-Situ Composites Intended for Load-Bearing Biomedical ImplantsSousa, Lia; Alves, Alexandra C.; Costa, N. A.; Gemini Piperni, Sara; Rossi, André Linhares; Ribeiro, Ana R.; Simões, Sónia; Toptan, Fatih