Browsing by Author Ambrogi,F.

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Angular Analysis of the Decay B+ →k+μ+μ- in Proton-Proton Collisions at S =8 TevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Asilar,E.; Bergauer,T.; Devetak,D.
2021Evidence for Electroweak Production of Four Charged Leptons and Two Jets in Proton-Proton Collisions at S=13tevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Chistov,R.
2021Measurement of Prompt Open-Charm Production Cross Sections in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s = 13 TevTumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Erö,J.; Spiridonov,A.
2021Measurement of the Cp-Violating Phase Φs in the Bs 0→j/Ψϕ(1020)→μ+μ−k+k− Channel in Proton-Proton Collisions at S=13tevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Chistov,R.
2020Measurement of the Top Quark Yukawa Coupling From Tt¯ Kinematic Distributions in the Dilepton Final State in Proton-Proton Collisions at S=13 TevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Chistov,R.
2021Measurements of P P → Z Z Production Cross Sections and Constraints on Anomalous Triple Gauge Couplings at √s=13tevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Bychkova,O.
2021Measurements of Production Cross Sections of Polarized Same-Sign W Boson Pairs in Association With Two Jets in Proton-Proton Collisions at S=13 TevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Chistov,R.
2020Measurements of Production Cross Sections of Wz and Same-Sign Ww Boson Pairs in Association With Two Jets in Proton-Proton Collisions at S=13tevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Chistov,R.
2020Measurements of the W Boson Rapidity, Helicity, Double-Differential Cross Sections, and Charge Asymmetry in Pp Collisions at S =13 TevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Dremin,I.
2020Observation of Electroweak Production of Wγ With Two Jets in Proton-Proton Collisions at S=13 TevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Chistov,R.
2020Observation of the Bs0 →x (3872)φ DecaySirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Andreev,V.
2020Observation of the Production of Three Massive Gauge Bosons at S =13 TevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Dremin,I.
2018Search for an Exotic Decay of the Higgs Boson To a Pair of Light Pseudoscalars in the Final State With Two B Quarks and Two Τ Leptons in Proton–proton Collisions at S=13tevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Asilar,E.; Bergauer,T.; Adzic,P.
2020Search for Bottom-Type, Vectorlike Quark Pair Production in a Fully Hadronic Final State in Proton-Proton Collisions at S =13 TevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Dremin,I.
2020Search for Disappearing Tracks in Proton-Proton Collisions at S=13tevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Chistov,R.
2020Search for Resonant Pair Production of Higgs Bosons in the Bbzz Channel in Proton-Proton Collisions at S =13 TevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Philippov,D.
2021Search for Singly and Pair-Produced Leptoquarks Coupling To Third-Generation Fermions in Proton-Proton Collisions at S=13 TevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Chistov,R.
2017Search for Supersymmetry in Pp Collisions at S =13 Tev in the Single-Lepton Final State Using the Sum of Masses of Large-Radius JetsSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Asilar,E.; Bergauer,T.; Marco,J.
2021Search for the Rare Decay of the W Boson Into a Pion and a Photon in Proton-Proton Collisions at S=13tevSirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Dragicevic,M.; Chistov,R.
2021The Very Forward Castor Calorimeter of the Cms ExperimentKhachatryan,V.; Sirunyan,A.M.; Tumasyan,A.; Adam,W.; Ambrogi,F.; Bergauer,T.; Smirnov,I.