Browsing by Author Gündoğdu, Özlem

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2022Regio- and Stereo-Chemical Ring-Opening Reactions of the 2,3-Epoxy Alcohol Derivative With Nucleophiles: Explanation of the Structures and C-2 Selectivity Supported by Theoretical ComputationsGündoğdu, Özlem; Atalay, Abdurrahman; Çelebioğlu, Neslihan; Anıl, Barış; Şahin, Ertan; Şanlı Mohamed, Gülşah ; Bozkaya, Uğur; Kara, Yunus
2023Synthesis, Cytotoxicity, and Antibacterial Studies of 2,4,5,6-Substituted Hexahydro-1hYetişkin, Egehan; Gündoğdu, Özlem; Mete, Derya ; Celebioglu, Neslihan; Kara, Yunus; Şanlı-Mohamed, Gulsah