Browsing by Author Harran Üniversitesi

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2022Experimental Modeling of Antimony Sulfides-Rich Geothermal Deposits and Their Solubility in the Presence of Polymeric AntiscalantsKaraburun, Emre; Sözen, Yiğit ; Çiftçi, Celal; Şahin, Hasan ; Baba, Alper ; Akbey, Ümit; Yeşilnacar, Mehmet İrfan; Erdim, Eray; Regenspurg, Simona; Demir, Mustafa Muammer 
Jul-2022Indoor Environmental Quality in Naturally Ventilated Schools of a Dusty Region: Excess Health Risks and Effect of Heating and Desert Dust TransportŞahin, Çağrı; Rastgeldi Doğan, Tuba ; Yıldız, Melek; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
2021Oxidizer Gases Effects on the Diameter-Controlled Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubesİnce Yardımcı, Atike; Öğütlü, Ahmet Sabri; Öğütlü, Deniz