Browsing by Author Heris, Saeed Zeinali

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Comprehensive Thermoeconomic Study of a New Solar Thermosyphon-Assisted Multigeneration SystemAnamaq, Rasoul Najafi; Khani, Leyla; Mohammadpourfard, Mousa ; Heris, Saeed Zeinali; Gökçen Akkurt, Gülden 
2023Design, Thermodynamic and Economic Evaluation, and Optimization of Gasoline Production From Refinery Furnaces Flue GasNazerifard, Reza; Mohammadpourfard, Mousa ; Heris, Saeed Zeinali
2023Energy, Exergy, Exergoeconomic, and Exergoenvironmental (4e) Analysis of a New Bio-Waste Driven Multigeneration System for Power, Heating, Hydrogen, and Freshwater Production: Modeling and a Case Study in IzmirTabriz, Zahra Hajimohammadi; Mohammadpourfard, Mousa ; Gökçen Akkurt, Gülden ; Heris, Saeed Zeinali
2023Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Graphene/Water Nanofluid on the Heat Transfer of a Shell-And Heat ExchangerZolfalizadeh, Mehrdad; Heris, Saeed Zeinali; Pourpasha, Hadi; Mohammadpourfard, Mousa ; Meyer, Josua P. P.
2024Experimental Investigation of Zinc Ferrite/Insulation Oil Nanofluid Natural Convection Heat Transfer, Ac Dielectric Breakdown Voltage, and Thermophysical PropertiesPourpasha, Hadi; Heris, Saeed Zeinali; Javadpour, Reza; Mohammadpourfard, Mousa ; Li, Yaqing
2023Highly Efficient Treatment of Petrochemical Spent Caustic Effluent Via Electro-Fenton Process for Cod and Toc Removal: Optimization and ExperimentalGholami, Asma; Mousavi, Seyed Borhan; Heris, Saeed Zeinali; Mohammadpourfard, Mousa 
2023The Influence of Nano Filter Elements on Pressure Drop and Pollutant Elimination Efficiency in Town Border StationsEbadiyan, Hamed; Heris, Saeed Zeinali; Mousavi, Seyed Borhan; Nami, Shamin Hosseini; Mohammadpourfard, Mousa 
Dec-2022Optimization of the Integrated Orc and Carbon Capture Units Coupled To the Refinery Furnace With the Rsm-Bbd MethodNazerifard, Reza; Mohammadpourfard, Mousa ; Heris, Saeed Zeinali
May-2022Thermodynamic Design, Evaluation, and Optimization of a Novel Quadruple Generation System Combined of a Fuel Cell, an Absorption Refrigeration Cycle, and an ElectrolyzerKhani, Leyla; Mohammadpour, Mahsa; Mohammadpourfard, Mousa ; Heris, Saeed Zeinali; Gökçen Akkurt, Gülden