Browsing by Author Kauffman, Louis H.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2022Invariants of Bonded Knotoids and Applications To Protein FoldingGüğümcü, Neslihan ; Gabrovsek, Bostjan; Kauffman, Louis H.
2021Parity, Virtual Closure and Minimality of KnotoidsGüğümcü, Neslihan ; Kauffman, Louis H.
2021Quantum Invariants of KnotoidsGüğümcü, Neslihan ; Kauffman, Louis H.
2023Spatial GraphoidsGugumcu, Neslihan ; Kauffman, Louis H.; Pongtanapaisan, Puttipong