Browsing by Author Pichon, L.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2010Cocrmo Alloy Treated by Floating Potential Plasma Assisted Nitriding and Plasma Based Ion Implantation: Influence of the Hydrogen Content and of the Ion Energy on the Nitrogen IncorporationPichon, L.; Okur, Salih ; Öztürk, Orhan ; Rivière, J. P.; Drouet, M.
Jul-2011Magnetic Layer Formation on Plasma Nitrided Cocrmo AlloyÖztürk, Orhan ; Okur, Salih ; Pichon, L.; Liedke, M. O.; Riviere, Jean Paul
Jul-2014Use of Combination of Accelerator-Based Ion-Beam Analysis Techniques To the Investigation of the Corrosion Behavior of Cocrmo AlloyNoli, F.; Misaelides, P.; Lagoyannis, A.; Pichon, L.; Öztürk, Orhan