Browsing by Author Sındıraç, Can

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Anot Destekli Katı Oksit Yakıt Hücrelerinde (koyh) Elektrolit Tabakası Yoğunluğunun ArtırılmasıSındıraç, Can; Büyükaksoy, Aligül; Akkurt, Sedat 
2022Effects of Electrospraying Parameters on Deposition of La0.3sr0.7fe0.7cr0.3o3−δ Cathode Layer on GdcAkkurt, Sedat ; Sındıraç, Can; Özmen Egesoy, Tuğçe; Atıcı, Gökçe; Erişman, Elif; Erğen, Emre; Büyükaksoy, Aligül
2019Electrical Properties of Gadolinia Doped Ceria Electrolytes Fabricated by Infiltration Aided SinteringSındıraç, Can; Büyükaksoy, Aligül; Akkurt, Sedat 
2019Electrochemical Performance of La0.6sr0.4co0.2fe0.8o3-Ce0.9gd0.1o2 Composite Sofc Cathodes Fabricated by Electrocatalyst And/Or Electrocatalyst-Ionic Conductor InfiltrationSındıraç, Can; Büyükaksoy, Aligül; Akkurt, Sedat 
2020Fabrication of Lscf and Lscf-Gdc Nanocomposite Thin Films Using Polymeric PrecursorsSındıraç, Can; Ahsen, Ali; Öztürk, Osman; Akkurt, Sedat ; Birss, Viola, I; Büyükaksoy, Aligül
26-Oct-2016Formation of La1-Xsrxco1 Cathode Materials From Precursor Salts by Heating in Contact With Cgo ElectrolyteSındıraç, Can; Akkurt, Sedat 
Jul-2019Improvement of It-Sofc by Tailoring the Microstructure of Lscf Cathode and Gdc ElectrolyteSındıraç, Can
2013Investigation of the Formation of La1-Xsrxc1 Cathode Materials and Their Interaction With Electrolyte Substrates for Potential It-Sofc ApplicationsSındıraç, Can
2019Lowering the Sintering Temperature of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrolytes by InfiltrationSındıraç, Can; Çakırlar, Seda; Büyükaksoy, Aligül; Akkurt, Sedat 
2020Microstructural Investigation of the Effect of Electrospraying Parameters on Lscf FilmsSındıraç, Can; Akkurt, Sedat