Browsing by Author Tranell, Gabriella

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Behavior of Al4c3 Particles During Flotation and Sedimentation in Aluminum MeltsGökelma, Mertol ; Storm Aarnaes, Trygve; Maier, Juergen; Renkel, Maria F.; Ekstrom, Kai Erik; Friedrich, Bernd; Tranell, Gabriella
2021Characteristic Properties and Recyclability of the Aluminium Fraction of Mswi Bottom AshGökelma, Mertol ; Vallejo-Olivares, Alicia; Tranell, Gabriella
2024Effects of Size and Mechanical Pre-Treatment on Aluminium Recovery From Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom AshGokelma, Mertol ; Hatipoglu, Utku; Vallejo-Olivares, Alicia; Tuzgel, Rabia onen; Kivrak, Olcay; Bazoglu, Elif; Tranell, Gabriella
2022Pre-Study of the Dissolution Behavior of Silicon Kerf Residue in SteelLazou, Adamantia; Nilssen, David; Gökelma, Mertol ; Wallin, Maria; Tranell, Gabriella