Browsing by Author Yenigün, Onur

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2022Active Heat Transfer Enhancement by Interface-Localized Liquid Dielectrophoresis Using Interdigitated ElectrodesYenigün, Onur; Barışık, Murat 
Jan-2016Constructal Tree-Shaped Designs for Self-CoolingYenigün, Onur; Çetkin, Erdal 
2019Effect of Electric Field on Interfacial Thermal Resistance Between Silicon and Water at NanoscalesYenigün, Onur; Barışık, Murat 
May-2019Effect of Nano-Film Thickness on Thermal Resistance at Water/Silicon InterfaceYenigün, Onur; Barışık, Murat 
2018The Effect of Time Delay of Fluid Flow in a Vascularized PlateYenigün, Onur; Coşkun, Turgay ; Çetkin, Erdal 
2019Electric Field Controlled Heat Transfer Through Silicon and Nano-Confined WaterYenigün, Onur; Barışık, Murat 
Dec-2016Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Constructal Vascular Channels for Self-Cooling: Parallel Channels, Tree-Shaped and Hybrid DesignsYenigün, Onur; Çetkin, Erdal 
2021Local Heat Transfer Control Using Liquid Dielectrophoresis at Graphene/Water InterfacesYenigün, Onur; Barışık, Murat 
Jul-2021Molecular Dynamics Studies on Interface Heat Transfer Control Using Electric FieldYenigün, Onur
Aug-2016Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Radial and Tree-Shaped Vascular Channels for Self-Cooling StructuresYenigün, Onur
2020Void Fraction and Speed of Sound Measurement in Cavitating Flows by the Three Pressure Transducers (3pt) TechniqueEsposito, Claudia; Yenigün, Onur; Gouriet, Jean-Baptiste; Steelant, Johan; Vetrano, Maria Rosaria