Browsing by Department Thesis (Master)--İzmir Institute of Technology, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Showing results 41 to 60 of 160 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2019Determination of Therapeutic Effects of Multifunctional Micelle-Based Nanocarriers on Breast Cancer CellsUlu, Gizem Tuğçe 
Dec-2019Determination of Therapeutic Potential of Apigenin on Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia CellsUzuner, Erez
Nov-2019Determination of Therapeutic Potential of Luteolin for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia CellsGürler, Sevim Beyza
2024Development and Characterization of Solanum Linnaeanum Hairy Root LinesKaya, Aysu
Oct-2015Development of High-Yielding and Disease Resistant Processing Tomato Lines Using Molecular Marker TechnologyÖzbek, Ayten Gizem
2012Development of Molecular Markers Linked To Me1 Gene Conferring Resistance To Nematode in PepperÖztürk, Leyla
Sep-2021Development of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers Using Genotyping by Sequencing Technique for Determination of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in HazelnutYanar, Ertuğrul Gazi
2011Development of Ssr Markers in Poppy (papaver Somniferum L.)Çelik, İbrahim
Jul-2014Development of Subnils for Fine Mapping of Salt Tolerance in Tomato (solanum Lycopersicum)Top, Oğuz
Jul-2023Development of Visual Analysis Interfaces for Large Biological Data and Characterization of Immunomodulatory Noncoding Rna Networks CancerKuş, Muhammet Emre
2011Differentiation of Human Naive Cd4+t Cells Into Th17 Cell PhenotypeAkıncılar, Semih Can
Jul-2019The Effect of Glibenclamide in Lipopolysaccharide Stimulated Brain Microvascular Endothelial CellsCihankaya, Hilal
2011The Effects of Autophagy Genes on AgeingEsmer, Işıl
2023The Effects of Calcium on Nf-Κb Pathway in Hacat Cells Containing Connexin26 Kid Syndrome MutationsYaşarbaş, Sümeyye Şüheda
2007Effects of Deleting Mitochondrial Antioxidant Genes on AgingÜnlü, Ercan Selçuk
Jun-2017Effects of Polyether Antibiotics on AutophagyKhan, Nasar
Jul-2018Elecidation of Selenium Tolerance Mechanisms in Puccinellia Distans (jacq.) Parl, Using a Transcriptomic ApproachKök, Aysu Başak
Jul-2015Elucidation of Boron Hyperaccumulation and Tolerance Mechanisms in Puccinellia Distans (jacq.) Parl. Using Proteomics ApproachBar, Cantuğ
Jul-2023Elucidation of Lysosomal Cathepsin a in the Regulation of AutophagyYanbul, Selman
Dec-2016Elucidation of Molecular Mechanisms Conferring Arsenic Tolerance To Yeast CellsIşık, Esin