City and Regional Planning / Şehir ve Bölge Planlama : [186] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 186
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Assessment Of The Resilience Of Buildings To Earthquakes Through Building-Based Regional Risk Distribution Method: The Case Of Izmit CityGerçek, Deniz ; Guven, I.T.; Erdogan, H.
Dec-2023Factors Affecting Tourist Visits To Archaeological Sites in Turkey: a Spatial Regression AnalysisToköz, Özge Deniz; Avcı, Ali Berkay ; Duran, Hasan Engin 
2023Co-Design of a Public Space and the Implementation: Atakent (car) ParkÖzden, Pelin; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2024Spatial Analysis of Regional Income Inequality in Eu CountriesNiknam Khajepasha, Alireza; Gkartzios, Menelaos 
2023Assessment of Mutual Variation of Near-Surface Air Temperature, Land Surface Temperature and Driving Urban Parameters at Urban MicroscaleGerçek,D.; Güven,İ.T.
2024Introducing Climate-Related Counterurbanisation: Individual Adaptation or Societal Maladaptation?Scott, Mark; Gkartzios, Menelaos ; Halfacree, Keith
Jan-2024Contextualising the Housing Problem of the Roma Community in Relation To Counterurbanisation in Urla, İzmirArslan Avar, Adile ; Doğan, Fehmi ; Özcan Cive, Yağmur; Akış, Tonguç 
2024Hybridising Counterurbanisation: Lessons From Japan's KankeijinkoDilley, Luke; Gkartzios, Menelaos ; Kudo, Shogo; Odagiri, Tokumi
2023Evaluation of the Effects of Covid-19 Lockdowns and Strict Restrictions on İstanbul's Air QualityKöse, Şüheda
2023User Satisfactions on Visual Comfort and View Quality Based on Colours and Opacity of Glazing To Control DaylightingCogul, Ilgin; Duran, Hasan Engin ; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tugce 
2022Insights for the Enhancement of Urban Biodiversity Using Nature-Based Solutions: the Role of Urban Spaces in Green Infrastructures DesignRonchi, Silvia; Salata, Stefano 
2023Contradicting Parochial Realms in Neighborhood Parks: How the Park Attributes Shape Women’s Park UseKaştaş-uzun, İpek; Şenol, Fatma 
2023Kent Plancısının Politik Rolü: Türkiye Deneyiminden ÇıkarımlarÖzdemir, Esin 
2023Hasanoğlan Yüksek Köy Enstitüsü’nün Kuruluşundan Günümüze Yerleşke Bazında Mekânsal AnaliziŞimsek, Gül; Mercanoğlu, Cansın; Küçükoğlu, Hüseyin
2023Overview of Social Policies for Town and Village Development in Response To Rural Shrinkage in East Asia: the Cases of Japan, South Korea and ChinaLi, Wenqi; Zhang, Li; Lee, Inhee; Gkartzios, Menelaos 
2022Kadın Dostu Kent Planlama Yaklaşımı Kapsamında Kentsel Yoksunluğun Değerlendirilmesi: Çiğli ÖrneğiGüney, Mercan Efe; Tanrıverdi, Sıdal; Akbudak, Hacer; Tuncay, Beste; Ay, Filiz; Şanlı, Nurseli
Jun-2023De-Sealing Reverses Habitat Decay More Than Increasing Groundcover VegetationCouch, Virginia ; Salata, Stefano ; Saygın, Nicel ; Frary, Anne ; Arslan, Bertan
2023State-Level Taylor Rule and Monetary Policy StressDuran, Hasan Engin ; Gajewski, Pawel
2023Using Personal Rapid Transit as an Effective Transport Solution in Historical Downtown Areas: a Case From Historic Kemeraltı, İzmirDuvarcı, Yavuz ; Akpınar, Figen 
2023Book Review: Post-Rational Planning: a Solutions-Oriented Call To JusticeÖzdemir, Esin 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 186