Environmental Engineering / Çevre Mühendisliği : [126] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 126
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Soil Contamination by Metals/Metalloids Around an Industrial Region and Associated Human Health Risk AssessmentDemirtepe, Hale 
2024Lime-Activated One-Part Geopolymer Mortars From Construction, Demolition and Industrial WastesKogbara, Reginald B. ; Al-Zubi, Abdelrahman; Mortada, Youssef; Hammoud, Ahmad; Masad, Eyad A.; Khraisheh, Marwan K.
2023Enhancing Biogas Production From Chicken Manure Through Vacuum Stripping of DigestateSengur, Ozlem; Akgul, Deniz; Bayrakdar, Alper ; Calli, Baris
2024Cleaner Production of Biohydrogen Using Poplar Leaves: Experimental and Optimization StudiesGoren, A. Yagmur ; Kenez, Muratcan; Dincer, Ibrahim; Khalvati, Ali
2023An Appraisal of the Local-Scale Spatio-Temporal Variations of Drought Based on the Integrated Grace/Grace-fo Observations and Fine-Resolution Fldas ModelKhorrami, Behnam; Ali, Shoaib; Gündüz, Orhan 
2024Comprehensive Review and Assessment of Carbon Capturing Methods and Technologies: an Environmental ResearchGoren, Aysegul Yagmur ; Erdemir, Dogan; Dincer, Ibrahim
20233d Modeling of a Historical Mine Waste Site Using Uav Images: Estimation of Stockpile VolumesÖnal, Okan; Gündüz, Orhan 
2023A Comprehensive Review on Environmental and Economic Impacts of Hydrogen Production From Traditional and Cleaner ResourcesGoren, A. Yagmur ; Dincer, Ibrahim; Khalvati, Ali; Gören, Ayşegül Yağmur ; Dinçer, İbrahim
2024Microbial Desalination Cell Treated Spent Geothermal Brine as a Nutrient Medium in Hydroponic Lettuce Cultivation: Health Risk AssessmentGoren, A. Y. ; Eskisoy, D. N.; Genisoglu, S.; Okten, H. E. 
2023Comparative Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Biohydrogen Production MethodsGoren, A. Yagmur ; Dincer, Ibrahim; Khalvati, Ali; Gören, Ayşegül Yağmur ; Dinçer, İbrahim
2023Exposure To Fumes of a Vegetable Margarine for Frying: Respiratory Effects in an Experimental ModelCimrin, Arif H.; Alpaydin, Aylin Ozgen; Ozbal, Seda; Toprak, Melis ; Yılmaz, Osman; Uluorman, Funda; Ergur, Bekir Uğur; Gürel, Duygu; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
2022Cyanobacterial Communities in Mucilage Collected From Çanakkale Strait (dardanelles): Metagenomic ApproachYılmaz, Sevdan; Kahraman Yılmaz, Dilek; Çelik, Ekrem Şanver; Küçüker, Mehmet Ali 
2022Fabrication of Superhydrophilic Teos-Lactic Acid Composite Films and Investigation of Biofouling BehaviourErvan, Tuğçe; Küçüker, Mehmet Ali ; Cengiz, Uğur
2023Occurrence of Bromide and Bromate in Chlorinated Indoor Swimming Pools, and Associated Health RisksDumanoğlu, Yetkin; Genişoğlu, Mesut ; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
Dec-2023Development of Ca(oh)2-Based Geopolymer for Additive Manufacturing Using Construction Wastes and NanomaterialsMortada, Youssef; Masad, Eyad; Kogbara, Reginald B. ; Mansoor, Bilal; Seers, Thomas; Hammoud, Ahmad; Karaki, Ayman
2023Remote Sensing-Based Monitoring and Evaluation of the Basin-Wise Dynamics of Terrestrial Water and Groundwater Storage FluctuationsKhorrami, Behnam; Gündüz, Orhan 
2022Arsenic Removal by ElectrocoagulationGören, Ayşegül Yağmur ; Kobya, Mehmet
2023Dynamics of Co2 Consumption, and Biomass and Lipid Carbon Production During Photobioreactor Cultivation of the Diatom CyclotellaÖkten, Hatice
2023Review on the Parameters of Recycling Ndfeb Magnets Via a Hydrogenation ProcessHabibzadeh, Alireza; Küçüker, Mehmet Ali ; Gökelma, Mertol 
Jun-2023The Effect of Military Conflict Zone in the Middle East on Atmospheric Persistent Organic Pollutant Contamination in Its NorthAyrı, İlknur; Genişoğlu, Mesut ; Sofuoğlu, Aysun ; Kurt Karakuş, Perihan B.; Birgül, Askın; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 126