Showing results 1 to 20 of 21
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Jul-2012 | Buckling Behavior of Steel Bridge I-Girders Braced by Permanent Metal Deck Forms | Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Helwig, Todd A.; Herman, Reagan |
2009 | Cyclic Behavior of Steel I-Beams Modified by a Welded Haunch and Reinforced With Gfrp | Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Alkan, Deniz; Özdemir, Timur |
2011 | Cyclic Testing of Steel I-Beams Reinforced With Gfrp | Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Yormaz, Doruk |
2009 | Çelik Köprü I-kirişlerine Yanal Destek Sağlayan Trapez Sac Kalıpların Mukavemeti | Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Alkan, Deniz |
2018 | Developing Polymer Composite-Based Leaf Spring Systems for Automotive Industry | Öztoprak, Nahit; Güneş, Mehmet Deniz; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Aktaş, Engin ; Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Şenocak, Çiler; Kulaç, Gediz |
2016 | Dynamic Behavior Predictions of Fiber-Metal Laminate/Aluminum Foam Sandwiches Under Various Explosive Weights | Baştürk, Suat Bahar; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Çankaya, Mehmet Alper; Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür |
2009 | Experimental Study on Improving Local Buckling Behavior of Steel Plates Strengthened With Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers | Güven, Can Ali |
2010 | Improving the Ductility of Steel I-Beams Through the Use of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers | Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Alkan, Deniz; Özdemir, Timur |
2009 | Lateral Stiffness of Steel Bridge I-Girders Braced by Metal Deck Forms | Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Herman, Reagan S.; Helwig, Todd A. |
May-2010 | Mechanical Behavior of Polypropylene-Based Honeycomb-Core Composite Sandwich Structures | Sezgin, Fatma Erinç; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Dönmez, Cemalettin |
2010 | Moment aktaran mevcut çelik çerçeve kiriş kolon birleşimlerinin deprem davranışlarının cam elyaf takviyeli kompozit malzemeler kullanılarak geliştirilmesi | Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Dönmez, Cemalettin ; Tanoğlu, Metin |
2017 | Narin Çelik Kirişlere Stabilite Desteği Sağlayan Kayma Diyaframlarının Rijitlik Gereklilikleri | Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Akbaba, Andaç; Vardaroğlu, Mustafa |
2008 | Numerical Study of Enhancement of Plastic Rotation Capacity of Seismic Steel Moment Connections by Fiber Reinforced Polymer Materials | Alkan, Deniz |
2009 | Seismic Behavior of Steel I-Beams Modified by a Welded Haunch and Reinforced With Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers | Özdemir, Timur |
2010 | Seismic Behavior of Steel I-Beams Reinfor Ced With Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer: an Experimental Study | Yormaz, Doruk |
Jul-2017 | Stiffnes Requirements of Shear Diaphragms Used To Brace Steel I-Beams | Akbaba, Andaç |
2007 | Stiffness and Strength of Metal Bridge Deck Forms | Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Helwig, Todd A.; Jetann, Charles A.; Lowery, Richard |
2014 | Stiffness and Strength of Shear Diaphragms Used for Stability Bracing of Slender Beams | Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Akbaba, Andaç; Vardaroğlu, Mustafa |
Apr-2017 | Strength Requirements for Shear Diaphragms Used for Stability Bracing of Steel Beams | Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Vardaroğlu, Mustafa; Akbaba, Andaç |
2006 | Strength Requirements of Permanent Metal Deck Forms Used for Lateral Bracing of Steel Bridge Girders | Eğilmez, Oğuz Özgür ; Helwig, T.A.; Herman, R.S. |