Browsing by Author Özdemir, Durmuş

Showing results 22 to 41 of 64 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2016Development of a New Infrared Spectroscopic Method Based on Multivariate Calibration for the Determination of Aluminum and Magnesium Oxid Thickness on Aluminum Foil and Sheets SurfacesMeşe, Ayten Ekin
Dec-2018Development of Chemometric Calibration Toolbox and Its Application for Determination of Slep AdulterationAkkoç, Gün Deniz
Jul-2019The Development of Chemometric Methods Based on Molecular Spectroscopy for the Standardization of Production Processes and Product Traceability of Personal Care and Cleaning ProductsÇiftçi İlmek, Berfu
2011Development of Chemometric Multivariate Calibration Models for Spectroscopic Quality Analysis of Biodiesel BlendsBağcıoğlu, Murat
2022Development of Chemometrics Method Based on Infrared Spectroscopy for the Determination of Cement Composition and Process Optimization [article]Özdemir, Durmuş ; Gümüş, Mehmet Gökhan; Tepeli, Dilek 
Dec-2021Development of Chemometrics Method Based on Infrared Spectroscopy for the Determination of Cement Composition and Process Optimization [master Thesis]Tepeli, Dilek 
2013Development of Chromatographic and Moleculer Spetroscopic Multivariate Chemometric Models for the Geographical Classification of Olive OilsÇelik, Deniz
2011Development of Clustering and Classification Strategies for the Determination of Geographical Origin of Honey by Using Atomic and Molecular SpectrometryYersel, Müşerref
Dec-2016Development of Fast and Simple Analytical Methods for the Determination of Honey Adulteration and Forgery Based on Chemometric Multivariate Data Analysis by Using Molecular SpectroscopyBaşar, Başak
2009Development of Genetic Algorithm Based Classification and Cluster Analysis Methods for Analytical DataÖztürk, Betül 
2013Development of Genetic Algorithms Based Multivariate Calibration Models for the Determination of Lubricating Oil Compositions Using Fourier Transform Infrared SpectroscopyAnıl, İrem
Dec-2020Development of Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy Based Multivariate Calibration Models for Quantitative Determination of Fatty Acids and Triacylglycerol Compositions of Olive OilsHedef, Onur 
Mar-2014Development of Molecular Spectroscopic Multivariate Calibration Models for the Determination of Fatty Acid and Triachyl Glycerol Compositions of Olive OilsKuday, Esra
Dec-2022Development of New Chemometrics Approaches To Determine Physical and Chemical Properties of Crude Distillation Unit Products Based on Molecular SpectroscopyMeşe Sezen, Ayten Ekin
Dec-2015Development of Rapid and Simple Spectroscopic Techniques Based on Chemometrics Data Analysis for the Determination of Goat Milk Adulteration With Cow MilkSamancıoğlu, Hülya
2011Evaluation of Malassezia Species by Fourier Transform Infrared (ft-Ir) SpectroscopyErgin, Çağrı; Vuran, M. Emre; Gök, Yaşar; Özdemir, Durmuş ; Karaarslan, Aydın; Kaleli, İlnur; Çon, Ahmet Hilmi
2011Fourier Dönüşümlü Kızılötesi (ft-ır) Spektroskopisi ile Malassezia Türlerinin DeğerlendirilmesiErgin, Çağrı; Vuran, M. Emre; Gök, Yaşar; Özdemir, Durmuş ; Karaarslan, Aydın; Kaleli, İlknur; Çon, Ahmet Hilmi
Dec-2006Genetic Multivariate Calibration for Near Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of Protein, Moisture, Dry Mass, Hardness and Other Residues of WheatÖzdemir, Durmuş 
2004Genetic Multivariate Calibration Methods for Near Infrared (nir) Spectroscopic Determination of Complex MixturesÖzdemir, Durmuş ; Öztürk, Betül 
Dec-2017Geographical Origin of Imported and Domestic Teas (camellia Sinensis) From Turkey as Determined by Stable Isotope SignaturesCengiz, Mehmet Fatih; Turan, Önder; Özdemir, Durmuş ; Albayrak, Yalçın; Perinçek, Fatih; Kocabaş, Halil