Showing results 22 to 41 of 64
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Jul-2016 | Development of a New Infrared Spectroscopic Method Based on Multivariate Calibration for the Determination of Aluminum and Magnesium Oxid Thickness on Aluminum Foil and Sheets Surfaces | Meşe, Ayten Ekin |
Dec-2018 | Development of Chemometric Calibration Toolbox and Its Application for Determination of Slep Adulteration | Akkoç, Gün Deniz |
Jul-2019 | The Development of Chemometric Methods Based on Molecular Spectroscopy for the Standardization of Production Processes and Product Traceability of Personal Care and Cleaning Products | Çiftçi İlmek, Berfu |
2011 | Development of Chemometric Multivariate Calibration Models for Spectroscopic Quality Analysis of Biodiesel Blends | Bağcıoğlu, Murat |
2022 | Development of Chemometrics Method Based on Infrared Spectroscopy for the Determination of Cement Composition and Process Optimization [article] | Özdemir, Durmuş ; Gümüş, Mehmet Gökhan; Tepeli, Dilek |
Dec-2021 | Development of Chemometrics Method Based on Infrared Spectroscopy for the Determination of Cement Composition and Process Optimization [master Thesis] | Tepeli, Dilek |
2013 | Development of Chromatographic and Moleculer Spetroscopic Multivariate Chemometric Models for the Geographical Classification of Olive Oils | Çelik, Deniz |
2011 | Development of Clustering and Classification Strategies for the Determination of Geographical Origin of Honey by Using Atomic and Molecular Spectrometry | Yersel, Müşerref |
Dec-2016 | Development of Fast and Simple Analytical Methods for the Determination of Honey Adulteration and Forgery Based on Chemometric Multivariate Data Analysis by Using Molecular Spectroscopy | Başar, Başak |
2009 | Development of Genetic Algorithm Based Classification and Cluster Analysis Methods for Analytical Data | Öztürk, Betül |
2013 | Development of Genetic Algorithms Based Multivariate Calibration Models for the Determination of Lubricating Oil Compositions Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy | Anıl, İrem |
Dec-2020 | Development of Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy Based Multivariate Calibration Models for Quantitative Determination of Fatty Acids and Triacylglycerol Compositions of Olive Oils | Hedef, Onur |
Mar-2014 | Development of Molecular Spectroscopic Multivariate Calibration Models for the Determination of Fatty Acid and Triachyl Glycerol Compositions of Olive Oils | Kuday, Esra |
Dec-2022 | Development of New Chemometrics Approaches To Determine Physical and Chemical Properties of Crude Distillation Unit Products Based on Molecular Spectroscopy | Meşe Sezen, Ayten Ekin |
Dec-2015 | Development of Rapid and Simple Spectroscopic Techniques Based on Chemometrics Data Analysis for the Determination of Goat Milk Adulteration With Cow Milk | Samancıoğlu, Hülya |
2011 | Evaluation of Malassezia Species by Fourier Transform Infrared (ft-Ir) Spectroscopy | Ergin, Çağrı; Vuran, M. Emre; Gök, Yaşar; Özdemir, Durmuş ; Karaarslan, Aydın; Kaleli, İlnur; Çon, Ahmet Hilmi |
2011 | Fourier Dönüşümlü Kızılötesi (ft-ır) Spektroskopisi ile Malassezia Türlerinin Değerlendirilmesi | Ergin, Çağrı; Vuran, M. Emre; Gök, Yaşar; Özdemir, Durmuş ; Karaarslan, Aydın; Kaleli, İlknur; Çon, Ahmet Hilmi |
Dec-2006 | Genetic Multivariate Calibration for Near Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of Protein, Moisture, Dry Mass, Hardness and Other Residues of Wheat | Özdemir, Durmuş |
2004 | Genetic Multivariate Calibration Methods for Near Infrared (nir) Spectroscopic Determination of Complex Mixtures | Özdemir, Durmuş ; Öztürk, Betül |
Dec-2017 | Geographical Origin of Imported and Domestic Teas (camellia Sinensis) From Turkey as Determined by Stable Isotope Signatures | Cengiz, Mehmet Fatih; Turan, Önder; Özdemir, Durmuş ; Albayrak, Yalçın; Perinçek, Fatih; Kocabaş, Halil |