Browsing by Author Güden, Mustafa

Showing results 21 to 40 of 142 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Çok katmanlı malzemelerde gerilme dalga geçişiGüden, Mustafa ; Taşdemirci, Alper 
2005Çoklu alüminyum kapalı hücreli köpük dolu alüminyum ve polimerik kompozit tüplerin ezilme davranışlarının belirlenmesiGüden, Mustafa ; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Kavi, Halit ; Yüksel, Sinan
2021Determination of the Material Model and Damage Parameters of a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Laminated Epoxy Composite for High Strain Rate Planar CompressionShi, C.; Guo, B.; Sarıkaya, Mustafa; Çelik, Muhammet; Chen, P.; Güden, Mustafa 
2023Development of the Johnson-Cook Flow Stress and Damage Parameters for the Impact Response of Polycarbonate: Experimental and Numerical ApproachSarıkaya, Mustafa; Güden, Mustafa ; Kambur, Çağdaş; Çankaya Özbek, Sevim; Taşdemirci, Alper 
2008Diatom Frustule-Filled Epoxy: Experimental and Numerical Study of the Quasi-Static and High Strain Rate Compression BehaviorTaşdemirci, Alper ; Yüksel, Sinan; Karsu, Deniz; Gültürk, Elif; Hall, Ian W.; Güden, Mustafa 
2024Dynamic Compression of Metal Syntactic Foam-Filled Aluminum TubesMovahedi, Nima; Fiedler, Thomas; Sarikaya, Mustafa; Tasdemirci, Alper ; Murch, Graeme E.; Belova, Irina V.; Guden, Mustafa 
Nov-2018Dynamic Crushing Behavior of a Multilayer Thin-Walled Aluminum Corrugated Core: the Effect of Velocity and ImperfectionSarıyaka, Mustafa; Taşdemirci, Alper ; Güden, Mustafa 
Dec-2019Dynamic Crushing Behaviour of Cactus Geometry Inspired Core StructureBalya, Ozan
1998Dynamic Properties of Metal Matrix Composites: a Comparative StudyGüden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
2021Dynamic Test and Modelling LaboratoryGüden, Mustafa ; Taşdemirci, Alper 
2003Dynamics of Metal Foam Deformation During Taylor Cylinder–hopkinson Bar Impact ExperimentLopatnikov, Sergey L.; Gama, Bazle A.; Haque, Jahirul; Krauthauser, Carl; Gillespie, John W.; Güden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
2004Effect of Adhesive on the Strengthening of Aluminum Foam-Filled Circular TubesToksoy, Ahmet Kaan; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Güden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
2007Effect of Aluminum Closed-Cell Foam Filling on the Quasi-Static Axial Crush Performance of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composite and Aluminum/Composite Hybrid TubesGüden, Mustafa ; Yüksel, Sinan; Taşdemirci, Alper ; Tanoğlu, Metin 
2021The Effect of Cell Wall Material Strain and Strain-Rate Hardening Behaviour on the Dynamic Crush Response of an Aluminium Multi-Layered Corrugated CoreGüden, Mustafa ; Canbaz, İlker
1-Mar-2016Effect of Heat Treatment on the Blast Loading Response of Combined Geometry Shell Core Sandwich StructuresTaşdemirci, Alper ; Kara, Ali ; Turan, Kıvanç; Şahin, Selim; Güden, Mustafa 
2010The Effect of Nitric Acid Surface Treatment on Cap Deposition of Ti6al4v Open-Cell Foams in Sbf SolutionTürkan, Uğur; Güden, Mustafa 
2023The Effect of Strain Rate on the Compression Behavior of Additively Manufactured Short Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polyamide Composites With Different Layer Heights, Infill Patterns, and Built AnglesZeybek, Mehmet Kaan ; Güden, Mustafa ; Taşdemirci, Alper 
2003Effect of Strain Rate on the Compression Behaviour of a Woven Fabric S2-Glass Fiber Reinforced Vinyl Ester CompositeAkil, Övünç; Yıldırım, Uygar; Güden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
2004Effect of Strain Rate on the Compression Behaviour of a Woven Glass Fiber/Sc-15 CompositeGüden, Mustafa ; Yıldırım, Uygar; Hall, Ian W.
2008The Effect of Strain Rate on the Compressive Deformation Behavior of a Sintered Ti6al4v Powder CompactTaşdemirci, Alper ; Hızal, Alpay; Altındiş, Mustafa; Hall, Ian W.; Güden, Mustafa