Browsing by Author Doğan, Hülya

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Linear and Non-Linear Rheological Properties of FoodsDuvarcı, Özlem ; Yazar, Gamze; Doğan, Hülya ; Kokini, Jozef L.
2020Pro-Metastatic Functions of Notch Signaling Is Mediated by Cyr61 in Breast CellsKüçükköse, Cansu; Efe, Eda ; Günyüz, Zehra Elif; Fıratlıgil, Burcu ; Doğan, Hülya ; Yalçın Özuysal, Özden ; İlhan, Mustafa
Dec-2021Role of Human Aprataxin Protein in P53-Related Cellular Processes in Breast CellsDoğan, Hülya