Browsing by Author İnci, Orhan Kerim

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2024Investigation of the Effects of Ketogenic Diet Therapy in a Mouse Model of Gm2 Gangliosidosisİnci, Orhan Kerim
2023Molecular Trojan Horses for Treating Lysosomal Storage DiseasesLeal, Andres Felipe; Rintz, Estera; Çelik, Betül; Ago, Yasuhiko; León, Daniel; İnci, Orhan Kerim; Seyrantepe, Volkan 
2021Sialidase Neu4 Deficiency Is Associated With Neuroinflammation in MiceTimur, Zehra Kevser ; İnci, Orhan Kerim; Akyıldız Demir, Seçil; Seyrantepe, Volkan