Browsing by Author Aydemir, S.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Corrigendum: Bioactive Snail Mucus-Slime Extract Loaded Chitosan Scaffolds for Hard Tissue Regeneration: the Effect of Mucoadhesive and Antibacterial Extracts on Physical Characteristics and Bioactivity of Chitosan Matrix (2021biomed. Mater.16 065008) [2]Perpelek, M.; Tamburaci, S.; Aydemir, S.; Tihminlioglu, F. ; Baykara, B.; Karakasli, A.; Havitcioglu, H.
2010Genotypic Identification of Some Lactic Acid Bacteria by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis and Investigation of Their Potential Usage as Starter Culture Combinations in Beyaz Cheese ManufactureKarahan, A. G.; Kilic, G. Basyigit; Kart, A.; Aloglu, H. Sanlidere; Oner, Z.; Aydemir, S.; Harsa, Hayriye Şebnem ; Erkuş, Oylum