04.03. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 461-480 of 637 (Search time: 0.021 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4612015A novel natural product, KL-21, inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cellsAdan Gökbulut, Aysun ; Yaşar, Mustafa; Baran, Yusuf 
4622012De novo markup language, a standard to represent de novo sequencing results from MS/MS dataTakan, Savaş ; Allmer, Jens 
4632015O-coumaric acid, caffeic acid, vanilic acid inhibits STAT pathway on malignant mesothelioma cell linesUlupınar, Z.; Cavus, O.; Gul, H.; Soyer, Ferda ; Zergeroğlu, A. Demiroğlu
464Dec-2017On the performance of pre-microRNA detection algorithmsSaçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Baumbach, Jan; Allmer, Jens 
4652021On-chip determination of tissue-specific metastatic potential of breast cancer cellsFıratlıgil Yıldırır, Burcu ; Batı Ayaz, Gizem; Tahmaz, İsmail; Bilgen, Müge; Pesen Okvur, Devrim ; Yalçın Özuysal, Özden 
466Jan-2016One step forward, two steps back; Xeno-MicroRNAs reported in breast milk are artifactsBağcı, Caner; Allmer, Jens 
4672013Optimization of extraction conditions for active components in equisetum arvense extractUslu, Mehmet Emin; Erdoğan, İpek ; Bayraktar, Oğuz ; Ateş, Mehmet
468Nov-2004Optimization of pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) conditions for thermophilic bacilliYavuz, Elif ; Güneş, Hatice ; Harsa, Hayriye Şebnem ; Bulut, Çisem; Yenidünya, Ali Fazıl 
4692008Optimization of transfection of green fluorescent protein in pursuing mesenchymal stem cells in vivoBaran, Yusuf ; Ural, Ali Uğur; Avcu, Ferit; Sarper, Meral; Elçi, Pınar; Pekel, Aysel
470Feb-2003Organization of carboxysome genes in the thiobacilliCannon, Gordon C.; Baker, Stefanie H.; Soyer Dönmez, Ferda ; Johnson, Diana R.; Bradburne, Christopher E.; Mehlman, Jennifer L.; Davies, Paige S.; Jiang, Qinli; Heinhorst, Sabine; Shively, Jessup M.
4712005Organogenesis from transformed tomato explantsFrary, Anne ; Van Eck, Joyce
4722019Osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells on random and aligned PAN/PPy nanofibrous scaffoldsİnce Yardımcı, Atike; Baskan, Öznur ; Yılmaz, Selahattin ; Meşe, Gülistan ; Özçivici, Engin ; Selamet, Yusuf 
132024An Overview of Current Detection Methods for RNA MethylationSaglam, Buket; Akgul, Bunyamin 
142020Pamukta lif verimi ve kalite karakterleri için kantitatif karakter lokus analizleriDoğanlar, Sami 
152020Pasif tümör hedefli inorganik ilaç nanotaşıyıcıların akciğer sağlıklı ve kanser hücreleri üzerindeki uzun dönemli etkisiDağlıoğlu, Cenk ; Kacı, Fatma Necmiye
16Aug-2012Pathological hemichannels associated with human Cx26 mutations causing Keratitis-Ichthyosis-Deafness syndromeLevit, Noah A.; Meşe, Gülistan ; Basaly, Mena George R.; White, Thomas W.
172007Patlıcanda glycoalkaloid analizi için metot geliştirilmesiEanes, Ritchie C. ; Parlayan, Filiz; Tek, Neslihan ; Akgül, Yurdanur
18Feb-2004Pentobarbital-mediated Regulation of Alternative Polyadenylation in Drosophila Glutathione S-Transferase D21 mRNAsAkgül, Bünyamin ; Tu, Chen-Pei D.
19Apr-2022Peptıde targeted core cross-lınked mıcelles for dox delıvery to HER2 expressıng cancer cellsBayram, Nazende Nur; Ulu, Gizem Tuğçe ; Gürdap, Seda; İşoğlu, İsmail Alper; Baran, Yusuf ; Dinçer İşoğlu, Sevil
20Nov-2011Perinatal exposure to bisphenol a increases adult mammary gland progesterone response and cell numberAyyanan, Ayyakkannu; Laribi, Ouahiba; Schuepbach-Mallepell, Sonia; Schrick, Christina; Gutierrez, Maria; Tanos, Tamara; Lefebvre, Gregory; Rougemont, Jacques; Yalçın Özuysal, Özden ; Brisken, Cathrin