
Full Name
Yıldız, Güray
Yildiz, Guray
Yıldız, G
Yıldız, G.
Yildiz, G
Yildiz, G.
Yıldız, G
Yıldız, G.
Yildiz, G
Yildiz, G.
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Bioenergy expert specialized in thermochemical process technologies.
Doctorate in Applied Biological Sciences with an option of Chemistry and Bioprocess Technology and Masters in Chemical Engineering. Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. Twelve years of research experience including PhD; working in multi-dimensional projects on advanced process technologies for thermochemical treatment of biomass/waste, waste-to-energy, and biofuels production. Expertise in the design, development and optimization of processes for (bio-)resource transformation and downstream processing, leading to the production of energy carriers, chemical building blocks, and/or high added value products from biomass and plastics.
Other expertise includes conceptualization, writing and executing scientific projects; working experience in international environment. A track record with over 30 publications (>875 citations; h-index: 9), is an expert evaluator for EU H2020 calls and reviewer for several journals (20) listed in ISI-Web of Science.
Key skills: Bioenergy; Biofuels; Waste-to-Energy; Renewable Fuels; Thermochemical Process Engineering; Resource Recovery; Sustainable Chemistry; Circular Bioeconomy
Doctorate in Applied Biological Sciences with an option of Chemistry and Bioprocess Technology and Masters in Chemical Engineering. Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. Twelve years of research experience including PhD; working in multi-dimensional projects on advanced process technologies for thermochemical treatment of biomass/waste, waste-to-energy, and biofuels production. Expertise in the design, development and optimization of processes for (bio-)resource transformation and downstream processing, leading to the production of energy carriers, chemical building blocks, and/or high added value products from biomass and plastics.
Other expertise includes conceptualization, writing and executing scientific projects; working experience in international environment. A track record with over 30 publications (>875 citations; h-index: 9), is an expert evaluator for EU H2020 calls and reviewer for several journals (20) listed in ISI-Web of Science.
Key skills: Bioenergy; Biofuels; Waste-to-Energy; Renewable Fuels; Thermochemical Process Engineering; Resource Recovery; Sustainable Chemistry; Circular Bioeconomy

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