Chemical Engineering / Kimya Mühendisliği : [645] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 645
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Calcium Soap Lubricantsİzer, Alaz; Kahyaoğlu, Tuğçe Nefise; Balköse, Devrim 
2024A Machine Learning Ensemble Approach for Predicting Solar-Sensitive Hybrid Photocatalysts on Hydrogen EvolutionBakır, Rezan; Orak, Ceren ; Yuksel, Asli 
2024Mini modular plant design for ethylene production using Martian atmosphere on MarsDeliismail, Özgün; Şeker, Erol 
2024Simultaneous Topology Design and Optimization of Pde Constrained Processes Based on Mixed Integer FormulationsErtürk, Emrullah; Deliismail, Özgün; Şıldır, Hasan
2024Breakthrough Curve Analysis of Phosphorylated Hazelnut Shell Waste in Column Operation for Continuous Harvesting of Lithium From WaterRecepoglu, Yasar Kemal; Arar, Ozguer; Yuksel, Asli 
2023Atomic-Scale Insights Into Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenation Over Bimetallic Iron-Cobalt Catalysts: a Density Functional Theory StudyTuncer, Dilan; Kızılkaya, Ali Can 
2023Molecular Separation by Using Active and Passive Microfluidic Chip Designs: a Comprehensive ReviewEbrahimi, Aliakbar; Didarian, Reza; Shih, Chih-Hsin; Nasseri, Behzad; Ethan Li, Yi-Chen; Shih, Steven; İçöz, Kutay; Tarım, Ergün Alperay; Akpek, Ali; Çeçen, Berivan; Bal Öztürk, Ayça; Güleç, Kadri; Tarım, Burcu Sırma ; Tekin, Hüseyin Cumhur 
2023Inverse Effects of Lanthanide Co-Doping on the Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production and Dye Degradation Activities of Cu Doped Sol-Gel Tio<sub>2</Sub>Yurtsever, Husnu Arda; Erzin, Kubilay; Ciftcioglu, Muhsin ; Yurtsever, Hüsnü Arda; Erzin, Kubilay; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin 
2023Data Driven Leak Detection in a Real Heat Exchanger in an Oil RefineryYasmal, Aslı; Kuşoğlu Kaya, Gizem; Oktay, Emirhan; Çölmekci, Ceylan; Uzunlar, Erdal 
2023A Comparative Assessment for Efficient Oleuropein Extraction From Olive Leaf (olea Europaea L. Folium)Recepoğlu, Yaşar Kemal ; Gümüşbulut, Gülin; Yüksel Özşen, Aslı 
2023Further Developments of the Extended Quadrature Method of Moments To Solve Population Balance EquationsTuran, Meltem; Dutta, Abhishek 
2023A Phenomenological Kinetic Flotation Model: Distinct Time-Variant Floatability Distributions for the Pulp and Froth MaterialsPolat, Mehmet ; Polat, Hürriyet 
2023Engineered Liposomes in Interventional Theranostics of Solid TumorsKommineni, Nagavendra; Chaudhari, Ruchita; Conde, Joao; Cecen, Berivan; Chandra, Pranjal; Prasad, Rajendra; Tamburacı, Sedef
2022Tissue Engineering Applications of Marine-Based MaterialsPolat, Hürriyet ; Zeybek, Nuket; Polat, Mehmet 
2023Corrigendum: Bioactive Snail Mucus-Slime Extract Loaded Chitosan Scaffolds for Hard Tissue Regeneration: the Effect of Mucoadhesive and Antibacterial Extracts on Physical Characteristics and Bioactivity of Chitosan Matrix (2021 Biomed. Mater. 16 065008)Perpelek, Merve; Tamburacı, Sedef; Aydemir, Selma; Tıhmınlıoğlu, Funda ; Baykara, Başak; Karakaşlı, Ahmet; Havıtçıoğlu, Hasan
Jun-2023Development of Cissus Quadrangularis-Loaded Poss-Reinforced Chitosan-Based Bilayer Sponges for Wound Healing Applications: Drug Release and in Vitro BioactivityDeğer Aker, Sibel; Tamburacı, Sedef; Tıhmınlıoğlu, Funda 
Jun-2023The Effect of Military Conflict Zone in the Middle East on Atmospheric Persistent Organic Pollutant Contamination in Its NorthAyrı, İlknur; Genişoğlu, Mesut ; Sofuoğlu, Aysun ; Kurt Karakuş, Perihan B.; Birgül, Askın; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
2023Polyoxometalate-Based Hybrid Composites in Multi-Functional Wastewater Treatment ApplicationsRecepoğlu, Yaşar Kemal ; Gören, Ayşegül Yağmur ; Orooji, Yasin; Vatanpour, Vahid; Kudaibergenov, Nurbolat; Khataee, Alireza
May-2023Immobilization of Esterase From Bacillus Subtilis on Halloysite Nanotubes and Applications on Dibutyl Phthalate DegradationRosales, Emilio; Pazos, Marta; Sanroman, Maria Angeles; Balcı, Esin; Sofuoğlu, Aysun 
2023Antifouling Polydopamine-Modified Poly (ether Sulfone) Membrane Immobilized With Alumina-Calcium Oxide Catalyst for Continuous Biodiesel ProductionGüngörmüş, Elif; Şeker, Erol ; Alsoy Altınkaya, Sacide 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 645