Browsing by Author Seyrantepe, Volkan

Showing results 1 to 20 of 36  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Abnormal Gm2 Accumulation Alters the Function of the Autophagic Pathway in Early-Onset Tay-Sachs Disease Mouse ModelSeyrantepe, Volkan ; Ateş, Nurselin ; Can, Melike; Şengül, Tuğçe; Akyıldız Demir, Seçil
2024Abnormally Accumulated Gm2 Ganglioside Contributes To Skeletal Deformity in Tay-Sachs MiceDemir, Secil Akyildiz; Seyrantepe, Volkan 
2020Alteration in Redox Homeostasis in Early-Onset Tay-Sachs Disease Mouse ModelSeyrantepe, Volkan ; Ateş, Nurselin ; Başırlı, Hatice Hande; Demir, Seçil Akyıldız; Dağalp, Berkay; Nalbant, Ayten ; Çalışkan, Tufan Utku
2014Altered Vasoactive Peptide Composition in the Tissues of Cathepsin a Deficient MiceTimur, Zehra; Akyıldız Demir, Seçil; Çalhan, Y.; Korak, Tuğcan; Ateş, Edanur; Seyrantepe, Volkan 
Aug-2022Analysis of Brain Lipids in the Early-Onset Tay–sachs Disease Mouse Model With the Combined Deficiency of Β-Hexosaminidase a and Neuraminidase 3Can, Melike; Şengül, Tuğçe; Akyıldız Demir, Seçil; İnci, Orhan K.; Basırlı, Hatice Hande; Seyrantepe, Volkan 
2023Autophagic Flux Is Impaired in the Brain Tissue of Tay-Sachs Disease Mouse ModelŞengül, Tuğçe; Can, Melike; Ateş, Nurselin ; Seyrantepe, Volkan 
2020Brain Lipid Profile of Early Onset Tay-Sachs Disease Mouse ModelŞengül, Tuğçe; Can, Melike; Akyıldız Demir, Seçil; Klose, C.; Surma, M.; Seyrantepe, Volkan 
2014Characterization of the Human Sialidase Neu4 Gene PromoterSeyrantepe, Volkan ; Delman, Murat
2016Deletion of Sialidase Neu3 Causes Progressive Neurodegeneration in Tay-Sachs MiceSeyrantepe, Volkan 
Jun-2017Effects of Cell-Mediated Osteoprotegerin Gene Transfer and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Applications on Orthodontically Induced Root Resorption of Rat TeethAmuk, Nisa Gül; Kurt, Gökmen; Baran, Yusuf ; Seyrantepe, Volkan ; Kartal Yandım, Melis; Adan, Aysun ; Akyıldız Demir, Seçil; Kiraz, Yağmur ; Sönmez, Mehmet Fatih
2023Elimination of the B4galnt1 Gene Normalizes Lifespan and Prevents Pathology in Tay-Sachs Disease MiceSeyrantepe, Volkan 
2019Erken başlangıçlı Tay-Sachs hastalığı fare modelinde hücresel patolojinin araştırılmasıSeyrantepe, Volkan ; Nalbant Aldanmaz, Ayten ; Gözüaçık, Devrim
2024Gangliosides as Therapeutic Targets for Neurodegenerative DiseasesInci, Orhan Kerim; Basirli, Hande; Can, Melike; Yanbul, Selman; Seyrantepe, Volkan 
2020Gm2 Ganglioside Accumulation Causes Neuroinflammation and Behavioral Alterations in a Mouse Model of Early Onset Tay-Sachs DiseaseAkyıldız Demir, Seçil; Timur, Zehra Kevser ; Ateş, Nurselin ; Martinez, Luis Alarcon; Seyrantepe, Volkan 
2015Hexosaminidase A ve sialidaz enzim eksikliği bulunan fare beyinlerinin immünohistokimyasal, biyokimyasal ve moleküler biyolojik yöntemler ile analiziSeyrantepe, Volkan 
May-2012Hyaluronidase 1 and Ss-Hexosaminidase Have Redundant Functions in Hyaluronan and Chondroitin Sulfate DegradationGushulak, Lara; Hemming, Richard; Martin, Dianna; Seyrantepe, Volkan ; Pshezhetsky, Alexey; Triggs-Raine, Barbara
2019Identification of Cytoplasmic Sialidase Neu2-Associated Proteins by Lc-ms/MsAkyıldız Demir, Seçil; Seyrantepe, Volkan 
2023Investigating the Efficacy of Combined Ketogenic Diet and Anti-Inflammatory Therapy in a Mouse Model of Early-Onset Tay-Sachs Diseaseİnci, Orhan K.; Seyrantepe, Volkan 
Jul-2020Investigation of Combined Biological Roles of Neuraminidase 1 and Gm3 Synthase Enzymes in Glycolipid MetabolismCan, Melike
Jul-2020Investigation of Combined Biological Roles of Neuraminidase 1 and N-Acetylgalactosaminyltransferase Enzymes in Glycolipid MetabolismŞengül, Tuğçe