Browsing by Author Ünlütürk, Sevcan

Showing results 17 to 36 of 55 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2015Effect of Uv-C Irradiation and Heat Treatment on the Shelf Life Stability of a Lemon-Melon Juice Blend: Multivariate Statistical ApproachKaya, Zehra; Yıldız, Semanur; Ünlütürk, Sevcan 
Jul-2007Effect of Various Process Parameters on Morphology, Rheology, and Polygalacturonase Production by Aspergillus Sojae in a Batch BioreactorÖncü, Şelale; Tarı, Canan ; Ünlütürk, Sevcan 
2020Effectiveness of Pulsed Light Treatments Assisted by Mild Heat on Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Inactivation in Verjuice and Evaluation of Its Quality During StorageMartin Belloso, Olga; Soliva Fortuny, Robert; Kaya, Zehra; Ünlütürk, Sevcan 
2018Effects of Fat Reduction on the Stability, Microstructure, Rheological and Color Characteristics of White-Brined Cheese Emulsion With Different Emulsifying Salt AmountsUrgu, Müge; Ünlütürk, Sevcan ; Koca, Nurcan
Nov-2017Effects of Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes (leds) on Microbial and Enzyme Inactivation of Apple JuicePelvan Akgün, Merve; Ünlütürk, Sevcan 
2021Effects of Ultraviolet-Light Emitting Diodes (uv-Leds) on Microbial Inactivation and Quality Attributes of Mixed Beverage Made From Blend of Carrot, Carob, Ginger, Grape and Lemon JuiceBaykuş, Gökçen; Pelvan Akgün, Merve; Ünlütürk, Sevcan 
2014Evaluation of Orange Peel, an Industrial Waste, for the Production of Aspergillus Sojae Polygalacturonase Considering Both Morphology and Rheology EffectsGögüş, Nihan; Hakgüder Taze, Bengi ; Demir, Hande; Tarı, Canan ; Ünlütürk, Sevcan ; Lahore, Marcelo Fernandez
2023Fluence (uv Dose) Distribution Assessment of Uv-C Light at 254 Nm on Food Surfaces Using Radiochromic Film Dosimetry Integrated With Image Processing and Convolutional Neural Network (cnn)Cankal, Yadigar Seyfi; Ünlütürk, Mehmet S.; Ünlütürk, Sevcan 
2019Identification of Equivalent Processing Conditions for Pasteurization of Strawberry Juice by High Pressure, Ultrasound, and Pulsed Electric Fields ProcessingYıldız, Semanur; Pokhrel, Prashant Raj; Ünlütürk, Sevcan ; Barbosa-Canovas, Gustavo, V
2016Impact of Irradiation on the Microbial Ecology of FoodsÜnlütürk, Sevcan ; Ünlütürk, Sevcan 
2020Impact of Pasteurization Process on the Quality and Marination Properties of Onion JuiceKaya, Zehra; Yıldız, Mustafa Kemal; Demir, Hande; Unluturk, Sevcan ; Becerikli, İsmail
2013The Impact of Uv-C Irradiation on Spoilage Microorganisms and Colour of Orange JuiceHakgüder Taze, Bengi ; Ünlütürk, Sevcan ; Buzrul, Sencer; Alpas, Hami
Jul-2022Investigation of Applicability of Uv-Light Emitting Diodes (uv-Leds) as an Alternative Technology in Pasteurization of Cold-Pressed and Newly Formulated Mixed BeverageBaykuş, Gökçen
Feb-2017Investigation of the Effect of Different Processing Techniques on the Overall Quality and Shelf Life of Local Apricot Variety of Iğdır (prunus Armeniaca L., Cv. Şalak)Hakgüder Taze, Bengi 
2007Investigation of the Effects of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration, Aeration and Agitation on the Morphology and Rheology in Submerged Fungal FermentationÖncü, Şelale
2008Investigation of the Pyhsical and Chemical Properties of Milk Containing AntibioticsYıldız, Özge
Jul-2022Investigation of the Usability of Radiochromic Films for Determination of Dose Uniformity of Food Surface in Uv-C TreatmentSeyfi, Yadigar
2020Kaymak ve Kaymaklı Yoğurt Yüzeylerine Sürekli Sistemde Uv Işık Uygulamasının İşlem Sonrasında ve Depolama Sürecinde Küf Sayısı ve Ürün Kalitesi Üzerine Etkilerinin BelirlenmesiGündüz, Gülten; Öztürk, Müge Urgu; Kışla, Duygu; Koca, Nurcan; Ünlütürk, Sevcan ; Sonkaya, Gamze
1-Aug-2015Microbial Safety and Shelf Life of Uv-C Treated Freshly Squeezed White Grape JuiceÜnlütürk, Sevcan ; Atılgan, Mehmet Reşat
2019Milk Fat Substitution by Microparticulated Protein in Reduced-Fat Cheese Emulsion: the Effects on Stability, Microstructure, Rheological and Sensory PropertiesUrgu, Müge; Türk, Aylin; Ünlütürk, Sevcan ; Kaymak Ertekin, Figen; Koca, Nurcan