City and Regional Planning / Şehir ve Bölge Planlama : [186] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 186
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2022Designing Urban Green İnfrastructures Using Open-source Data-an Example İn Çiğli, Izmir (turkey)Salata, Stefano ; Erdoğan, Bensu; Ayruş, Bersu
2021An Evaluation of Measuring the Publicness Level of Interiors in Public Building Design: Visual Graph Analysis (vga) ApproachAykutlar, Pelin; Kutucu, Seçkin; Can Traunmüller, Işın 
Jul-2022Creating Spaces for Art: Long Term Impacts of Street Art in the Urban ContextKolçak, Emre; Kaya Erol, Nursen 
Jul-2022Marine Trade and Analysis of the Ports in the Black Sea Economic Cooperation RegionDeğerli Çiftçi, Burcu; Baycan, Tüzin
Jun-2022Heterogenous Responses To Monetary Policy Regimes: a Regional Analysis for Turkey, 2009-2019Duran, Hasan Engin ; Karahasan, Burhan Can
Mar-2022Integrating Ecosystem Vulnerability in the Environmental Regulation Plan of Izmir (turkey)-What Are the Limits and Potentialities?Salata, Stefano ; Özkavaf Şenalp, Sıla ; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2015Mapping Detroit: Land, Community and Shaping a CityCan, Işın 
2022Gendered Sense of Safety and Coping Strategies in Public Places: a Study in Atatürk Meydanı of IzmirŞenol, Fatma 
2022Re-Introducing Statutory Regional Spatial Planning Strategies in England: Reflections Through the Lenses of Policy IntegrationBafarasat, Abbas Ziafati ; Oliveira, Eduardo; Robinson, Guy Martin
2022Designing Healthier Cities. an Empirical Study of the Ecosystem Functioning and Mortality in the Districts of Turin (italy)Salata, Stefano 
2022Evaluation of the Location Choice of Software Industry in Istanbul Based on the Types of EconomyKöse, Şüheda; Berkoz, Ayşe Lale
2022Validity of Okun’s Law in a Spatially Dependent and Cyclical Asymmetric ContextDuran, Hasan Engin 
Mar-2022Designing With Ecosystem Modelling: the Sponge District Application in İzmir, TurkeySalata, Stefano ; Arslan, Bertan
Mar-2022Land Suitability Analysis for Vineyard Cultivation in the Izmir Metropolitan AreaSalata, Stefano ; Özkavaf Şenalp, Sıla ; Velibeyoğlu, Koray ; Elburz, Zeynep 
2021Perceived Safety and Affecting Factors in Urban NeighborhoodsGerçek, Deniz ; Güven, İsmail Talih
2022Do Spatial Development Plans Provide Spatial Equity in Access To Public Parks: a Case With a Residential Area in Karabağlar and Buca (i̇zmir)Öztürk, Sevim Pelin; Şenol, Fatma 
2011Stormwater Management and Green Infrastructure Techniques for Sustainable Campus DesignSaygın, Nicel ; Ulusoy, Pelin
Dec-2021Valuing Groundwater Heritage: the Historic Wells of KadıovacıkYüceer, Hülya ; Baba, Alper ; Özcan Gönülal, Yasemin ; Uştuk, Ozan ; Gerçek, Deniz ; Güler, Selen ; Uzelli, Taygun 
Apr-2022The Revival of the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle and Moderation of Capital Flows After the Global Financial CrisisDuran, Hasan Engin ; Ferreira-Lopes, Alexandra
2021Performance-Based Planning To Reduce Flooding Vulnerability Insights From the Case of Turin (north-Wwest Italy)Salata, Stefano ; Ronchi, Silvia; Giaimo, Carolina; Arcidiacono, Andrea; Pantaloni, Giulio Gabriele
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 186