Showing results 41 to 60 of 74
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | Evaluation and Production of Ready-To Meals | Baysal, Taner; Tamme, Terje; Ehavald, Helen; Korel, Figen ; Overes, Maarten; Hödrejärv, Ülle; Kala, Aet; Roasto, Mati |
2021 | Exopolysaccharides in Food Processing Industrials | Arserim-Uçar, Dilhun Keriman; Konuk Takma, Dilara; Korel, Figen |
2014 | Farklı Bölgelere Ait Ticari Kırmızı Şarapların Elektronik Burun ile Aroma Profillerine Göre Sınıflandırılması | Korel, Figen ; Yaman, Ünal Rıza; Yücel, Ufuk |
Jul-2017 | Feasibility of Eugenol Encapsulated Poly (lactic Acid) (pla) Films Via Electrospinning as a Novel Delivery System for Volatile Compounds in Food Packaging Systems | Arserim Uçar, Dilhun Keriman |
Jan-2012 | Flavour of Natural and Roasted Turkish Hazelnut Varieties (corylus Avellana L.) by Descriptive Sensory Analysis, Electronic Nose and Chemometrics | Alasalvar, Cesarettin; Pelvan, Ebru; Bahar, Banu; Korel, Figen ; Ölmez, Hülya |
2005 | Gıda Işınlaması, Uygulamaları ve Tüketicinin Işınlanmış Gıdaya Bakış Açısı | Korel, Figen ; Orman, Sibel |
2019 | Identification of Staphylococcus Aureus Cheese Isolates With Respect To Virulence Properties, Genetic Relatedness and Antibiotic Resistance Profiles | Kadiroğlu, Pınar; Korel, Figen ; Ceylan, Çağatay |
Apr-2017 | Impact of Preharvest and Postharvest Alginate Treatments Enriched With Vanillin on Postharvest Decay, Biochemical Properties, Quality and Sensory Attributes of Table Grapes | Konuk Takma, Dilara; Korel, Figen |
Jan-2006 | Incorporation of Partially Purified Hen Egg White Lysozyme Into Zein Films for Antimicrobial Food Packaging | Mecitoğlu, Çiğdem; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet ; Arslanoğlu, Alper ; Elmacı, Zehra Seda; Korel, Figen ; Çetin, Ali Emrah |
2015 | Influence of Drying Temperature on Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Grape Seeds | Konuk, Dilara; Korel, Figen |
Jul-2015 | An innovative approach: Cow/oat milk based kefir | Dinkçi, Nayil; Kesenkaş, Harun; Korel, Figen ; Kınık, Özer |
Dec-2021 | Investigation of Microwave Processing for Pasteurization of Vegan Milk Products | Erol, Büşra |
2015 | Kurutma Sıcaklığının Üzüm Çekirdeklerinin Toplam Fenolik Madde İçeriği ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi Üzerine Etkisi | Konuk, Dilara; Korel, Figen |
2008 | Laktik asit bakterileri, lisozim ve laktoperoksidaz kullanılarak antimikrobiyal özellik taşıyan yenebilir filmlerin geliştirilmesi, plastik ambalaj materyallerine ve çeşitli gıdalara uygulanması | Korel, Figen ; Yemnicioğlu, Ahmet; Altınkaya, Sacide Alsoy ; Arslanoğlu, Alper |
2014 | Mechanical and Gas Permeability Properties of Nanocomposite Films Made From Low Density Polyethylene and Carbon Nanotubes | Anggoro, Bayu Meta |
2009 | Microbial Risks Associated With Traditional Cheeses | Korel, Figen |
Aug-2014 | Microbiological Quality of Artisanal Sepet Cheese | Ercan, Duygu; Korel, Figen ; Orşahin, Hande |
Aug-2007 | Odor Evaluation of Shrimp Treated With Different Chemicals Using an Electronic Nose and a Sensory Panel | Luzuriaga, Diego A.; Korel, Figen ; Balaban, Murat Ömer |
2017 | Physicochemical and Sensorial Properties of Sepet Cheeses Packaged Under Different Modified Atmospheric Conditions | Akpınar, Aslı; Yerlikaya, Oktay; Kınık, Özer; Uysal, Harun Raşit; Korel, Figen |
Sep-2011 | Physicochemical, Textural, Volatile, and Sensory Profiles of Traditional Sepet Cheese | Ercan, Duygu; Korel, Figen ; Karagül Yüceer, Yonca; Kınık, Özer |